Uses of Package
Packages that use io.papermc.paper.datacomponent.item.consumable
Classes in io.papermc.paper.datacomponent.item.consumable used by io.papermc.paper.datacomponent.itemClassDescriptionEffect that occurs when consuming an item.Represents the hand animation that is used when a player is consuming this item.
Classes in io.papermc.paper.datacomponent.item.consumable used by io.papermc.paper.datacomponent.item.consumableClassDescriptionEffect that occurs when consuming an item.Represents a consumable effect that applies effects based on a probability on consumption.Represents a consumable effect that clears all effects on consumption.Represents a consumable effect that plays a sound on consumption.Represents a consumable effect that removes status effects on consumptionRepresents the hand animation that is used when a player is consuming this item.