Uses of Interface
Packages that use RegistryKey
Uses of RegistryKey in io.papermc.paper.command.brigadier.argument
Methods in io.papermc.paper.command.brigadier.argument with parameters of type RegistryKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T,
S> TypedKey <T> RegistryArgumentExtractor.getTypedKey
(com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext<S> context, RegistryKey<T> registryKey, String name) Gets a typed key argument from a command context.static <T> com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.ArgumentType
<T> ArgumentTypes.resource
(RegistryKey<T> registryKey) An argument for a resource in aRegistry
.static <T> com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.ArgumentType
<TypedKey<T>> ArgumentTypes.resourceKey
(RegistryKey<T> registryKey) An argument for a typed key for aRegistry
. -
Uses of RegistryKey in io.papermc.paper.plugin.lifecycle.event.types
Methods in io.papermc.paper.plugin.lifecycle.event.types with parameters of type RegistryKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T> LifecycleEventType.Prioritizable
<BootstrapContext, ReloadableRegistrarEvent<PostFlattenTagRegistrar<T>>> TagEventTypeProvider.postFlatten
(RegistryKey<T> registryKey) Get a prioritizable, reloadable registrar event for tags after they are flattened.<T> LifecycleEventType.Prioritizable
<BootstrapContext, ReloadableRegistrarEvent<PreFlattenTagRegistrar<T>>> TagEventTypeProvider.preFlatten
(RegistryKey<T> registryKey) Get a prioritizable, reloadable registrar event for tags before they are flattened. -
Uses of RegistryKey in io.papermc.paper.registry
Fields in io.papermc.paper.registry declared as RegistryKeyModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final RegistryKey
<Attribute> RegistryKey.ATTRIBUTE
Built-in registry for attributes.static final RegistryKey
<PatternType> RegistryKey.BANNER_PATTERN
Data-driven registry for banner patterns.static final RegistryKey
<Biome> RegistryKey.BIOME
Data-driven registry for biomes.static final RegistryKey
<BlockType> RegistryKey.BLOCK
static final RegistryKey
<Cat.Type> RegistryKey.CAT_VARIANT
Built-in registry for cat variants.static final RegistryKey
<DamageType> RegistryKey.DAMAGE_TYPE
Data-driven registry for damage types.static final RegistryKey
<DataComponentType> RegistryKey.DATA_COMPONENT_TYPE
Built-in registry for data component types.static final RegistryKey
<Enchantment> RegistryKey.ENCHANTMENT
Data-driven registry for enchantments.static final RegistryKey
<EntityType> RegistryKey.ENTITY_TYPE
static final RegistryKey
<Fluid> RegistryKey.FLUID
Built-in registry for fluids.static final RegistryKey
<Frog.Variant> RegistryKey.FROG_VARIANT
Built-in registry for frog variants.static final RegistryKey
<GameEvent> RegistryKey.GAME_EVENT
Built-in registry for game eventsstatic final RegistryKey
<MusicInstrument> RegistryKey.INSTRUMENT
Data-driven registry for instruments.static final RegistryKey
<ItemType> RegistryKey.ITEM
static final RegistryKey
<JukeboxSong> RegistryKey.JUKEBOX_SONG
Data-driven registry for jukebox songs.static final RegistryKey
<MapCursor.Type> RegistryKey.MAP_DECORATION_TYPE
Built-in registry for map decoration types.static final RegistryKey
<MemoryKey<?>> RegistryKey.MEMORY_MODULE_TYPE
static final RegistryKey
<MenuType> RegistryKey.MENU
Built-in registry for menu types.static final RegistryKey
<PotionEffectType> RegistryKey.MOB_EFFECT
Built-in registry for potion effect types (mob effects).static final RegistryKey
Data-driven registry for painting variants.static final RegistryKey
<Particle> RegistryKey.PARTICLE_TYPE
static final RegistryKey
<PotionType> RegistryKey.POTION
static final RegistryKey
<Sound> RegistryKey.SOUND_EVENT
Built-in registry for sound events.static final RegistryKey
<Structure> RegistryKey.STRUCTURE
Data-driven registry for structures.static final RegistryKey
<StructureType> RegistryKey.STRUCTURE_TYPE
Built-in registry for structure types.static final RegistryKey
<TrimMaterial> RegistryKey.TRIM_MATERIAL
Data-driven registry for trim materials.static final RegistryKey
<TrimPattern> RegistryKey.TRIM_PATTERN
Data-driven registry for trim patterns.static final RegistryKey
<Villager.Profession> RegistryKey.VILLAGER_PROFESSION
Built-in registry for villager professions.static final RegistryKey
<Villager.Type> RegistryKey.VILLAGER_TYPE
Built-in registry for villager types.static final RegistryKey
<Wolf.Variant> RegistryKey.WOLF_VARIANT
Data-driven registry for wolf variants.Methods in io.papermc.paper.registry that return RegistryKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTypedKey.registryKey()
Gets the registry key for the value this key represents.Methods in io.papermc.paper.registry with parameters of type RegistryKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> TypedKey
<T> TypedKey.create
(RegistryKey<T> registryKey, Key key) Create a typed key from a key and a registry key.RegistryAccess.getRegistry
(RegistryKey<T> registryKey) Gets the registry with the specified key. -
Uses of RegistryKey in io.papermc.paper.registry.event
Methods in io.papermc.paper.registry.event that return RegistryKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRegistryEvent.registryKey()
Get the key for the registry this event pertains to.RegistryEventProvider.registryKey()
Gets the registry key associated with this event type provider. -
Uses of RegistryKey in io.papermc.paper.registry.set
Methods in io.papermc.paper.registry.set that return RegistryKeyMethods in io.papermc.paper.registry.set with parameters of type RegistryKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends Keyed>
RegistryKeySet<T> RegistrySet.keySet
(RegistryKey<T> registryKey, TypedKey<T>... keys) Creates a directRegistrySet
.static <T extends Keyed>
RegistryKeySet<T> RegistrySet.keySet
(RegistryKey<T> registryKey, Iterable<TypedKey<T>> keys) Creates a directRegistrySet
.static <T extends Keyed>
RegistryKeySet<T> RegistrySet.keySetFromValues
(RegistryKey<T> registryKey, Iterable<? extends T> values) Creates aRegistryKeySet
from registry-backed values. -
Uses of RegistryKey in io.papermc.paper.registry.tag
Methods in io.papermc.paper.registry.tag that return RegistryKeyMethods in io.papermc.paper.registry.tag with parameters of type RegistryKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> TagKey
<T> TagKey.create
(RegistryKey<T> registryKey, Key key) Creates a new tag key for a registry. -
Uses of RegistryKey in io.papermc.paper.tag
Methods in io.papermc.paper.tag that return RegistryKeyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPostFlattenTagRegistrar.registryKey()
Get the registry key for this tag registrar.PreFlattenTagRegistrar.registryKey()
Get the registry key for this tag registrar.