Uses of Package
Packages that use org.bukkit
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
Classes relevant to advancements.
Classes relevant to attributes.
Classes relevant to bans.
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
including special states.Classes relevant to banner blocks.
Generalized BlockData classes.
Specific BlockData classes relevant to only a given block or set of blocks.
Classes concerning the creation of boss bars that appear at the top of the
player's screen.
Classes relating to handling specialized non-chat player input.
Classes dedicated to handling a plugin's runtime configuration.
Classes dedicated to facilitate direct player-to-plugin communication.
Classes concerning damage types and sources applicable to living entities.
Classes relating to the specialized enhancements to
item stacks
, as part of the meta data
.Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc.Interfaces for various
types.Classes concerning an entity's persistent memory.
Interfaces for various
related to raids.Events
relating to programmatic state
changes on the server.Events
relating to vehicular entities
relating to weather.Classes to facilitate
implementation.Classes to facilitate world
generation.Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions.
The interfaces used when manipulating extra data can can be stored inside
item stacks
.Isolated components which may form part of item meta.
Classes that allow attaching custom data to items.
Armor trim meta types.
Classes relevant to loot table manipulation and generation.
Classes to facilitate plugin handling of
displays.Classes that represents various voxel types and states.
Classes dedicated to handling data pack information.
Classes that allow attaching persistent data to various objects.
Classes specifically relating to loading software modules at runtime.
Classes for handling
written in
java.Classes to represent various
properties and manipulation.Interfaces used to manage the client side score display system.
Classes related to creating or using
without creating Structure
in the world.Tag
-related API.Multi and single purpose classes to facilitate various programmatic
Classes dedicated to facilitating deterministic noise.
Spigot-specific player events.
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paperClassDescriptionA container for a color palette.Represents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Represents a tag that may be defined by the server or a resource pack to group like things together.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks -
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paper.blockClassDescriptionDetermines the collision behavior when fluids get hit during ray tracing.An interface of Sounds the server is able to send to players.
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paper.brigadier
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paper.entity
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paper.entity.aiClassDescriptionRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paper.event.block
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paper.event.brigadier
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paper.event.inventory
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paper.event.playerClassDescriptionRepresents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.
Classes in org.bukkit used by com.destroystokyo.paper.event.server
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.advancementClassDescriptionRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.blockClassDescriptionRepresents a block, entity, or other object that may receive a custom name.
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.block.fluid
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.command.brigadier
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.command.brigadier.argumentClassDescriptionRepresents the various type of game modes that
s may haveFurther information regarding heightmaps.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks -
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.datacomponentClassDescriptionAll supported color values for dyes and clothRepresents a single firework effect.Represents an object which has a
attached to it. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.datacomponent.itemClassDescriptionA container for a color palette.Represents a single firework effect.Represents a song which may play in a Jukebox.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.datapack
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.entity
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.event.entityClassDescriptionAll supported color values for dyes and clothRepresents a 3-dimensional position in a world.Represents various types of portals that can be made in a world.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.event.packet
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.event.playerClassDescriptionRepresents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.This designates the warning state for a specific item.
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.event.serverClassDescriptionRepresents a reference to a player identity and the data belonging to a player that is stored on the disk and can, thus, be retrieved without the player needing to be online.
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.event.worldClassDescriptionGameRules dictate certain behavior within Minecraft itself
For more information please visit the Minecraft WikiRepresents a 3-dimensional position in a world.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks -
Classes in org.bukkit used by a 3-dimensional position in a world.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.math
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.persistenceClassDescriptionRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.potionClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.registryClassDescriptionRepresents the art on a painting.Represents a fluid type.Represents a generic Mojang game event.Represents a song which may play in a Jukebox.Represents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Represents a registry of Bukkit objects that may be retrieved byNamespacedKey
.An interface of Sounds the server is able to send to players. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.registry.eventClassDescriptionRepresents the art on a painting.Represents a generic Mojang game event.Represents an object which has a
attached to it. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.registry.keysClassDescriptionRepresents the art on a painting.Represents a fluid type.Represents a generic Mojang game event.Represents a song which may play in a Jukebox.An interface of Sounds the server is able to send to players.
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.registry.keys.tagsClassDescriptionRepresents the art on a painting.Represents a fluid type.Represents a generic Mojang game event.Indicates that the annotated element (class, method, field, etc.) is part of a minecraft experimental feature and is subject to changes by Mojang.
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.registry.setClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a registry of Bukkit objects that may be retrieved byNamespacedKey
. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.registry.tag
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.tagClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Represents a tag that may be defined by the server or a resource pack to group like things together. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by io.papermc.paper.threadedregions.scheduler
Classes in org.bukkit used by
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkitClassDescriptionRepresents the art on a painting.Represents a mutually perpendicular axis in 3D Cartesian coordinates.A single entry from a ban list.A ban list, containing bans of some
.Deprecated.A delegate for handling block changes.Deprecated.ChatColor has been deprecated in favor of Adventure API.Represents a chunk of blocks.An enum to specify the load level of a chunk.Represents a static, thread-safe snapshot of chunk of blocks.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.A container for a color palette.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Represents the various difficulty levels that are available.All supported color values for dyes and clothA list of effects that the server is able to send to players.Deprecated.not representative of what Effect doesA list of all Effects that can happen to entities.Represents the outcome of an explosion.This represents a Feature Flag for aFeatureFlagSetHolder
.Represents a single firework effect.This is a builder for FireworkEffects.The type or shape of the effect.Represents a fluid type.Determines the collision behavior when fluids get hit during ray tracing.Represents a generic Mojang game event.Represents the various type of game modes thatHumanEntity
s may haveGameRules dictate certain behavior within Minecraft itself
For more information please visit the Minecraft WikiDeprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useBlockData
Further information regarding heightmaps.Represents a song which may play in a Jukebox.Represents an object which has aNamespacedKey
attached to it.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientIndicates that the annotated element (class, method, field, etc.) is part of a minecraft experimental feature and is subject to changes by Mojang.An enum identifying a feature flag required by aMinecraftExperimental
feature.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.A note class to store a specific note.An enum holding tones.Represents a reference to a player identity and the data belonging to a player that is stored on the disk and can, thus, be retrieved without the player needing to be online.Options which can be applied to dust particles - a particle color and size.Represents various types of portals that can be made in a world.Represents a raid event.Represents the status of aRaid
.A RegionAccessor gives access to getting, modifying and spawningBiome
, as well as generating some basic structures.Represents a registry of Bukkit objects that may be retrieved byNamespacedKey
.An enum to specify a rotation based orientation, like that on a clock.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useBlockData
Represents a server implementation.Represents a collections of links which may be sent to a client.Represents a server link.Represents a known type of link which will be translated by the client and may have special functionality.Manages ticking within a server.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.checkMaterial
insteadAn interface of Sounds the server is able to send to players.An Enum of categories for sounds.Represents a countable statistic, which is tracked by the server.The type of statistic.Deprecated.This class does not represent the structures of a world well.Represents a tag that may be defined by the server or a resource pack to group like things together.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useTranslatable
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Deprecated, see usage methods for replacement(s)Tree and organic structure types.Deprecated.This should generally not be used in any new API code as it suggests a bad API design.Deprecated.This annotation indicates a method (and sometimes constructor) will chain its internal operations.This designates the warning state for a specific item.This represents the states that server verbose for warnings may be.An enum of all current weather typesRepresents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocksDeprecated.Use either the Future or the Consumer based methodsRepresents various map environment types that a world may beDeprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Represents various types of options that may be used to create a world.Represents various types of worlds that may exist -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.advancementClassDescriptionDeprecated.ChatColor has been deprecated in favor of Adventure API.Represents an object which has a
attached to it. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.attributeClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useTranslatable
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.ban
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.blockClassDescriptionRepresents a chunk of blocks.All supported color values for dyes and clothDetermines the collision behavior when fluids get hit during ray tracing.Represents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a block, entity, or other object that may receive a custom name.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Represents a reference to a player identity and the data belonging to a player that is stored on the disk and can, thus, be retrieved without the player needing to be online.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.checkMaterial
insteadRepresents a group of sounds for blocks that are played when various actions happen (ie stepping, breaking, hitting, etc).Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useTranslatable
Deprecated.This should generally not be used in any new API code as it suggests a bad API design.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.block.bannerClassDescriptionAll supported color values for dyes and clothRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.block.dataClassDescriptionRepresents a mutually perpendicular axis in 3D Cartesian coordinates.A container for a color palette.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a group of sounds for blocks that are played when various actions happen (ie stepping, breaking, hitting, etc).
Classes in org.bukkit used by
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.bossClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.command
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.configurationClassDescriptionA container for a color palette.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.Represents a reference to a player identity and the data belonging to a player that is stored on the disk and can, thus, be retrieved without the player needing to be online.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.conversations
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.damageClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An interface of Sounds the server is able to send to players.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useTranslatable
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.enchantmentsClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useTranslatable
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.entityClassDescriptionRepresents the art on a painting.A single entry from a ban list.Represents a chunk of blocks.A container for a color palette.All supported color values for dyes and clothA list of effects that the server is able to send to players.A list of all Effects that can happen to entities.Determines the collision behavior when fluids get hit during ray tracing.Represents the various type of game modes that
s may haveRepresents a movement input applied to an entity.Represents an object which has aNamespacedKey
attached to it.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a block, entity, or other object that may receive a custom name.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.A note class to store a specific note.Represents a reference to a player identity and the data belonging to a player that is stored on the disk and can, thus, be retrieved without the player needing to be online.Represents a raid event.An enum to specify a rotation based orientation, like that on a clock.Represents a server implementation.Represents a collections of links which may be sent to a client.An interface of Sounds the server is able to send to players.An Enum of categories for sounds.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useTranslatable
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Deprecated, see usage methods for replacement(s)An enum of all current weather typesRepresents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.entity.boatClassDescriptionRepresents a block, entity, or other object that may receive a custom name.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.entity.memoryClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.entity.minecartClassDescriptionRepresents a block, entity, or other object that may receive a custom name.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.event.blockClassDescriptionRepresents the outcome of an explosion.Represents a generic Mojang game event.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientA note class to store a specific note.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.event.entityClassDescriptionAll supported color values for dyes and clothRepresents the outcome of an explosion.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents various types of portals that can be made in a world.An interface of Sounds the server is able to send to players.An Enum of categories for sounds.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.event.inventory
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.event.playerClassDescriptionRepresents the various type of game modes that
s may haveRepresents a movement input applied to an entity.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Represents a collections of links which may be sent to a client.Represents a countable statistic, which is tracked by the server.This designates the warning state for a specific item.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks -
Classes in org.bukkit used by
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.event.serverClassDescriptionRepresents a 3-dimensional position in a world.Deprecated.This should generally not be used in any new API code as it suggests a bad API design.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.event.vehicle
Classes in org.bukkit used by
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.event.worldClassDescriptionRepresents a chunk of blocks.Represents a generic Mojang game event.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Tree and organic structure types.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.generatorClassDescriptionRepresents a chunk of blocks.Further information regarding heightmaps.Represents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientA RegionAccessor gives access to getting, modifying and spawningBiome
, as well as generating some basic structures.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocksRepresents various map environment types that a world may be -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.generator.structureClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.inventoryClassDescriptionA container for a color palette.Represents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Represents a tag that may be defined by the server or a resource pack to group like things together.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useTranslatable
Deprecated.This should generally not be used in any new API code as it suggests a bad API design.This annotation indicates a method (and sometimes constructor) will chain its internal operations.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.inventory.metaClassDescriptionA container for a color palette.All supported color values for dyes and clothRepresents a single firework effect.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Represents a reference to a player identity and the data belonging to a player that is stored on the disk and can, thus, be retrieved without the player needing to be online.Represents a tag that may be defined by the server or a resource pack to group like things together.Deprecated.This should generally not be used in any new API code as it suggests a bad API design.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.inventory.meta.componentsClassDescriptionA container for a color palette.Represents a song which may play in a Jukebox.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.An interface of Sounds the server is able to send to players.Represents a tag that may be defined by the server or a resource pack to group like things together.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.inventory.meta.tagsClassDescriptionRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.inventory.meta.trimClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useTranslatable
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.lootClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.mapClassDescriptionRepresents an object which has a
attached to it.Indicates that the annotated element (class, method, field, etc.) is part of a minecraft experimental feature and is subject to changes by Mojang.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.materialClassDescriptionDeprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.All supported color values for dyes and clothDeprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.use
An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientDeprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useBlockData
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Deprecated, see usage methods for replacement(s)Deprecated.This should generally not be used in any new API code as it suggests a bad API design. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.packsClassDescriptionThis represents a Feature Flag for a
.Represents an object which has aNamespacedKey
attached to it.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Represents a world, which may contain entities, chunks and blocks -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.persistenceClassDescriptionRepresents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.plugin
Classes in org.bukkit used by
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.potionClassDescriptionA container for a color palette.Represents an object which has a
attached to it.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.useTranslatable
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.scoreboardClassDescriptionDeprecated.ChatColor has been deprecated in favor of Adventure API.An enum of all material IDs accepted by the official server and clientRepresents a reference to a player identity and the data belonging to a player that is stored on the disk and can, thus, be retrieved without the player needing to be online.Represents a countable statistic, which is tracked by the server.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.structureClassDescriptionRepresents a 3-dimensional position in a world.Represents a String based key which consists of two components - a namespace and a key.A RegionAccessor gives access to getting, modifying and spawning
, as well as generating some basic structures. -
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.tagClassDescriptionRepresents a tag that may be defined by the server or a resource pack to group like things together.
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.util
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.bukkit.util.noise
Classes in org.bukkit used by org.spigotmc.event.player
to enforce the correct return value at compile time.