, Ageable
, Ambient
, Animals
, AreaEffectCloud
, ArmorStand
, Arrow
, Bat
, Beacon
, Blaze
, Boat
, BrewingStand
, CaveSpider
, Chest
, ChestedHorse
, Chicken
, CommandMinecart
, ComplexEntityPart
, ComplexLivingEntity
, Cow
, Creature
, Creeper
, Damageable
, Dispenser
, Donkey
, DragonFireball
, Dropper
, Egg
, ElderGuardian
, EnchantingTable
, EnderCrystal
, EnderDragon
, EnderDragonPart
, Enderman
, Endermite
, EnderPearl
, EnderSignal
, Entity
, Evoker
, EvokerFangs
, ExperienceOrb
, Explosive
, ExplosiveMinecart
, FallingBlock
, Fireball
, Firework
, Fish
, FishHook
, Flying
, Furnace
, Ghast
, Giant
, Golem
, Guardian
, Hanging
, Hopper
, HopperMinecart
, Horse
, HumanEntity
, Husk
, Illager
, Illusioner
, IronGolem
, Item
, ItemFrame
, LargeFireball
, LeashHitch
, LightningStrike
, LingeringPotion
, LivingEntity
, Llama
, LlamaSpit
, MagmaCube
, Minecart
, Monster
, Mule
, MushroomCow
, Ocelot
, Painting
, Parrot
, Pig
, PigZombie
, Player
, PolarBear
, PoweredMinecart
, Projectile
, Rabbit
, RangedEntity
, RideableMinecart
, SentientNPC
, Sheep
, Shulker
, ShulkerBox
, ShulkerBullet
, Silverfish
, Skeleton
, SkeletonHorse
, Slime
, SmallFireball
, Snowball
, Snowman
, SpawnerMinecart
, SpectralArrow
, Spellcaster
, Spider
, SplashPotion
, Squid
, StorageMinecart
, Stray
, Tameable
, ThrownExpBottle
, ThrownPotion
, TippedArrow
, TNTPrimed
, Vehicle
, Vex
, Villager
, Vindicator
, WaterMob
, Weather
, Witch
, Wither
, WitherSkeleton
, WitherSkull
, Wolf
, Zombie
, ZombieHorse
, ZombieVillager
public interface Nameable
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
String |
getCustomName() |
Gets the custom name on a mob or block.
void |
setCustomName(String name) |
Sets a custom name on a mob or block.
String getCustomName()
This value has no effect on players, they will always use their real name.
void setCustomName(String name)
Setting the name to null or an empty string will clear it.
This value has no effect on players, they will always use their real name.
- the name to setCopyright © 2019. All rights reserved.