, Metadatable
, Nameable
, Permissible
, ServerOperator
, Ageable
, Ambient
, Animals
, AreaEffectCloud
, ArmorStand
, Arrow
, Bat
, Blaze
, Boat
, CaveSpider
, ChestedHorse
, Chicken
, CommandMinecart
, ComplexEntityPart
, ComplexLivingEntity
, Cow
, Creature
, Creeper
, Damageable
, Donkey
, DragonFireball
, Egg
, ElderGuardian
, EnderCrystal
, EnderDragon
, EnderDragonPart
, Enderman
, Endermite
, EnderPearl
, EnderSignal
, Evoker
, EvokerFangs
, ExperienceOrb
, Explosive
, ExplosiveMinecart
, FallingBlock
, Fireball
, Firework
, Fish
, FishHook
, Flying
, Ghast
, Giant
, Golem
, Guardian
, Hanging
, HopperMinecart
, Horse
, HumanEntity
, Husk
, Illager
, Illusioner
, IronGolem
, Item
, ItemFrame
, LargeFireball
, LeashHitch
, LightningStrike
, LingeringPotion
, LivingEntity
, Llama
, LlamaSpit
, MagmaCube
, Minecart
, Monster
, Mule
, MushroomCow
, Ocelot
, Painting
, Parrot
, Pig
, PigZombie
, Player
, PolarBear
, PoweredMinecart
, Projectile
, Rabbit
, RangedEntity
, RideableMinecart
, SentientNPC
, Sheep
, Shulker
, ShulkerBullet
, Silverfish
, Skeleton
, SkeletonHorse
, Slime
, SmallFireball
, Snowball
, Snowman
, SpawnerMinecart
, SpectralArrow
, Spellcaster
, Spider
, SplashPotion
, Squid
, StorageMinecart
, Stray
, Tameable
, ThrownExpBottle
, ThrownPotion
, TippedArrow
, TNTPrimed
, Vehicle
, Vex
, Villager
, Vindicator
, WaterMob
, Weather
, Witch
, Wither
, WitherSkeleton
, WitherSkull
, Wolf
, Zombie
, ZombieHorse
, ZombieVillager
public interface Entity extends Metadatable, CommandSender, Nameable
Modifier and Type | Interface | Description |
static class |
Entity.Spigot |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
boolean |
addPassenger(Entity passenger) |
Add a passenger to the vehicle.
boolean |
addScoreboardTag(String tag) |
Add a tag to this entity.
boolean |
eject() |
Eject any passenger.
boolean |
fromMobSpawner() |
Returns whether this entity was spawned from a mob spawner.
Chunk |
getChunk() |
Gets the latest chunk an entity is currently or was in.
int |
getEntityId() |
Returns a unique id for this entity
float |
getFallDistance() |
Returns the distance this entity has fallen
int |
getFireTicks() |
Returns the entity's current fire ticks (ticks before the entity stops
being on fire).
double |
getHeight() |
Gets the entity's height
EntityDamageEvent |
getLastDamageCause() |
Retrieve the last
EntityDamageEvent inflicted on this entity. |
Location |
getLocation() |
Gets the entity's current position
Location |
getLocation(Location loc) |
Stores the entity's current position in the provided Location object.
int |
getMaxFireTicks() |
Returns the entity's maximum fire ticks.
List<Entity> |
getNearbyEntities(double x,
double y,
double z) |
Returns a list of entities within a bounding box centered around this
Location |
getOrigin() |
Gets the location where this entity originates from.
Entity |
getPassenger() |
entities may have multiple passengers, use
getPassengers() |
List<Entity> |
getPassengers() |
Gets a list of passengers of this vehicle.
PistonMoveReaction |
getPistonMoveReaction() |
Returns the reaction of the entity when moved by a piston.
int |
getPortalCooldown() |
Gets the period of time (in ticks) before this entity can use a portal.
Set<String> |
getScoreboardTags() |
Returns a set of tags for this entity.
Server |
getServer() |
Gets the
Server that contains this Entity |
int |
getTicksLived() |
Gets the amount of ticks this entity has lived for.
EntityType |
getType() |
Get the type of the entity.
getUniqueId() |
Returns a unique and persistent id for this entity
Entity |
getVehicle() |
Get the vehicle that this player is inside.
Vector |
getVelocity() |
Gets this entity's current velocity
double |
getWidth() |
Gets the entity's width
World |
getWorld() |
Gets the current world this entity resides in
boolean |
hasGravity() |
Returns whether gravity applies to this entity.
boolean |
isCustomNameVisible() |
Gets whether or not the mob's custom name is displayed client side.
boolean |
isDead() |
Returns true if this entity has been marked for removal.
boolean |
isEmpty() |
Check if a vehicle has passengers.
boolean |
isGlowing() |
Gets whether the entity is glowing or not.
boolean |
isInsideVehicle() |
Returns whether this entity is inside a vehicle.
boolean |
isInvulnerable() |
Gets whether the entity is invulnerable or not.
boolean |
isOnGround() |
Returns true if the entity is supported by a block.
boolean |
isSilent() |
Gets whether the entity is silent or not.
boolean |
isValid() |
Returns false if the entity has died or been despawned for some other
boolean |
leaveVehicle() |
Leave the current vehicle.
void |
playEffect(EntityEffect type) |
Performs the specified
EntityEffect for this entity. |
void |
remove() |
Mark the entity's removal.
boolean |
removePassenger(Entity passenger) |
Remove a passenger from the vehicle.
boolean |
removeScoreboardTag(String tag) |
Removes a given tag from this entity.
void |
setCustomNameVisible(boolean flag) |
Sets whether or not to display the mob's custom name client side.
void |
setFallDistance(float distance) |
Sets the fall distance for this entity
void |
setFireTicks(int ticks) |
Sets the entity's current fire ticks (ticks before the entity stops
being on fire).
void |
setGlowing(boolean flag) |
Sets whether the entity has a team colored (default: white) glow.
void |
setGravity(boolean gravity) |
Sets whether gravity applies to this entity.
void |
setInvulnerable(boolean flag) |
Sets whether the entity is invulnerable or not.
void |
setLastDamageCause(EntityDamageEvent event) |
Record the last
EntityDamageEvent inflicted on this entity |
boolean |
setPassenger(Entity passenger) |
entities may have multiple passengers, use
getPassengers() |
void |
setPortalCooldown(int cooldown) |
Sets the period of time (in ticks) before this entity can use a portal.
void |
setSilent(boolean flag) |
Sets whether the entity is silent or not.
void |
setTicksLived(int value) |
Sets the amount of ticks this entity has lived for.
void |
setVelocity(Vector velocity) |
Sets this entity's velocity
Entity.Spigot |
spigot() |
boolean |
teleport(Entity destination) |
Teleports this entity to the target Entity.
boolean |
teleport(Entity destination,
PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause) |
Teleports this entity to the target Entity.
boolean |
teleport(Location location) |
Teleports this entity to the given location.
boolean |
teleport(Location location,
PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause) |
Teleports this entity to the given location.
getName, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage
getMetadata, hasMetadata, removeMetadata, setMetadata
getCustomName, setCustomName
addAttachment, addAttachment, addAttachment, addAttachment, getEffectivePermissions, hasPermission, hasPermission, isPermissionSet, isPermissionSet, recalculatePermissions, removeAttachment
isOp, setOp
Location getLocation()
Location getLocation(Location loc)
If the provided Location is null this method does nothing and returns null.
- the location to copy intovoid setVelocity(Vector velocity)
- New velocity to travel withVector getVelocity()
double getHeight()
double getWidth()
boolean isOnGround()
World getWorld()
boolean teleport(Location location)
- New location to teleport this entity totrue
if the teleport was successfulboolean teleport(Location location, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause)
- New location to teleport this entity tocause
- The cause of this teleportationtrue
if the teleport was successfulboolean teleport(Entity destination)
- Entity to teleport this entity totrue
if the teleport was successfulboolean teleport(Entity destination, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause)
- Entity to teleport this entity tocause
- The cause of this teleportationtrue
if the teleport was successfulList<Entity> getNearbyEntities(double x, double y, double z)
- 1/2 the size of the box along x axisy
- 1/2 the size of the box along y axisz
- 1/2 the size of the box along z axisList<Entity>
List of entities nearbyint getEntityId()
int getFireTicks()
int getMaxFireTicks()
void setFireTicks(int ticks)
- Current ticks remainingvoid remove()
boolean isDead()
boolean isValid()
Server getServer()
that contains this EntitygetServer
in interface CommandSender
@Deprecated Entity getPassenger()
@Deprecated boolean setPassenger(Entity passenger)
- The new passenger.List<Entity> getPassengers()
The returned list will not be directly linked to the entity's current passengers, and no guarantees are made as to its mutability.
boolean addPassenger(Entity passenger)
- The passenger to addboolean removePassenger(Entity passenger)
- The passenger to removeboolean isEmpty()
boolean eject()
float getFallDistance()
void setFallDistance(float distance)
- The new distance.void setLastDamageCause(EntityDamageEvent event)
inflicted on this entityevent
- a EntityDamageEvent
EntityDamageEvent getLastDamageCause()
inflicted on this entity.
This event may have been cancelled.EntityDamageEvent
or null if hitherto
unharmedUUID getUniqueId()
int getTicksLived()
This is the equivalent to "age" in entities.
void setTicksLived(int value)
This is the equivalent to "age" in entities. May not be less than one tick.
- Age of entityvoid playEffect(EntityEffect type)
for this entity.
This will be viewable to all players near the entity.
If the effect is not applicable to this class of entity, it will not play.
- Effect to play.EntityType getType()
boolean isInsideVehicle()
boolean leaveVehicle()
Entity getVehicle()
void setCustomNameVisible(boolean flag)
This value has no effect on players, they will always display their name.
- custom name or notboolean isCustomNameVisible()
This value has no effect on players, they will always display their name.
void setGlowing(boolean flag)
- if the entity is glowingboolean isGlowing()
void setInvulnerable(boolean flag)
When an entity is invulnerable it can only be damaged by players in creative mode.
- if the entity is invulnerableboolean isInvulnerable()
boolean isSilent()
void setSilent(boolean flag)
When an entity is silent it will not produce any sound.
- if the entity is silentboolean hasGravity()
void setGravity(boolean gravity)
- whether gravity should applyint getPortalCooldown()
void setPortalCooldown(int cooldown)
- portal cooldown ticksSet<String> getScoreboardTags()
boolean addScoreboardTag(String tag)
- the tag to addboolean removeScoreboardTag(String tag)
- the tag to removePistonMoveReaction getPistonMoveReaction()
Entity.Spigot spigot()
in interface CommandSender
Location getOrigin()
This value can be null if the entity hasn't yet been added to the world.
boolean fromMobSpawner()
Chunk getChunk()
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