Package | Description |
com.destroystokyo.paper | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.event.block | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.event.player | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.event.server | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.exception | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.loottable | |
org.bukkit |
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
org.bukkit.boss |
Classes concerning the creation of boss bars that appear at the top of the
player's screen.
org.bukkit.conversations |
Classes dedicated to facilitate direct player-to-plugin communication.
org.bukkit.entity |
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
world , including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. |
org.bukkit.event.block | |
org.bukkit.event.enchantment |
Events triggered from an enchantment table . |
org.bukkit.event.entity | |
org.bukkit.event.hanging |
Events relating to entities that hang . |
org.bukkit.event.inventory | |
org.bukkit.event.player | | |
Events related to raids. |
org.bukkit.event.server |
Events relating to programmatic state
changes on the server. | | | |
Classes to facilitate plugin handling of
map displays. |
org.bukkit.plugin.messaging |
Classes dedicated to specialized plugin to client protocols.
org.spigotmc.event.player |
Spigot-specific player events.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@Nullable Player |
ParticleBuilder.source() |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@Nullable List<Player> |
ParticleBuilder.receivers() |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull ParticleBuilder |
ParticleBuilder.receivers(@Nullable Player... receivers) |
@NotNull ParticleBuilder |
ParticleBuilder.source(@Nullable Player source) |
Sets the source of this particle for visibility concerns (Vanish API)
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull ParticleBuilder |
ParticleBuilder.receivers(@Nullable Collection<Player> receivers) |
@NotNull ParticleBuilder |
ParticleBuilder.receivers(@Nullable List<Player> receivers) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Player |
BeaconEffectEvent.getPlayer() |
Gets the player who the potion effect is being applied to.
Constructor | Description |
BeaconEffectEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull PotionEffect effect,
@NotNull Player player,
boolean primary) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Player |
EndermanAttackPlayerEvent.getPlayer() |
The player the Enderman is considering attacking
Constructor | Description |
EndermanAttackPlayerEvent(@NotNull Enderman entity,
@NotNull Player player) |
PlayerNaturallySpawnCreaturesEvent(@NotNull Player player,
byte radius) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
static void |
IllegalPacketEvent.process(@NotNull Player player,
@Nullable String type,
@Nullable String kickMessage,
@NotNull Exception exception) |
Constructor | Description |
IllegalPacketEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@Nullable String type,
@Nullable String kickMessage,
@NotNull Exception e) |
PlayerAdvancementCriterionGrantEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Advancement advancement,
@NotNull String criterion) |
PlayerArmorChangeEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull PlayerArmorChangeEvent.SlotType slotType,
@Nullable ItemStack oldItem,
@Nullable ItemStack newItem) |
PlayerAttackEntityCooldownResetEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Entity attackedEntity,
float cooledAttackStrength) |
PlayerClientOptionsChangeEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String locale,
int viewDistance,
@NotNull ClientOption.ChatVisibility chatVisibility,
boolean chatColors,
@NotNull SkinParts skinParts,
@NotNull MainHand mainHand) |
PlayerElytraBoostEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull ItemStack itemStack,
@NotNull Firework firework) |
PlayerInitialSpawnEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Location spawnLocation) |
PlayerJumpEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Location from,
@NotNull Location to) |
PlayerLaunchProjectileEvent(@NotNull Player shooter,
@NotNull ItemStack itemStack,
@NotNull Projectile projectile) |
PlayerLocaleChangeEvent(Player player,
String oldLocale,
String newLocale) |
PlayerPickupExperienceEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull ExperienceOrb experienceOrb) |
PlayerPostRespawnEvent(@NotNull Player respawnPlayer,
@NotNull Location respawnedLocation,
boolean isBedSpawn) |
PlayerReadyArrowEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull ItemStack bow,
@NotNull ItemStack arrow) |
PlayerRecipeBookClickEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull NamespacedKey recipe,
boolean makeAll) |
PlayerStartSpectatingEntityEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Entity currentSpectatorTarget,
@NotNull Entity newSpectatorTarget) |
PlayerStopSpectatingEntityEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Entity spectatorTarget) |
PlayerTeleportEndGatewayEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Location from,
@NotNull Location to,
@NotNull EndGateway gateway) |
PlayerUseUnknownEntityEvent(@NotNull Player who,
int entityId,
boolean attack,
@NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
protected @NotNull Player |
PaperServerListPingEvent.getBukkitPlayer(@NotNull Object player) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Iterator<Player> |
PaperServerListPingEvent.iterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
Player |
ServerPluginMessageException.getPlayer() |
Gets the player which the plugin message causing the exception originated from
Constructor | Description |
ServerPluginMessageException(String message,
Throwable cause,
boolean enableSuppression,
boolean writableStackTrace,
Plugin responsiblePlugin,
Player player,
String channel,
byte[] data) |
ServerPluginMessageException(String message,
Throwable cause,
Plugin responsiblePlugin,
Player player,
String channel,
byte[] data) |
ServerPluginMessageException(Throwable cause,
Plugin responsiblePlugin,
Player player,
String channel,
byte[] data) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
default @Nullable Long |
LootableInventory.getLastLooted(@NotNull Player player) |
Gets the timestamp, in milliseconds, of when the player last looted this object
default boolean |
LootableInventory.hasPlayerLooted(@NotNull Player player) |
Has this player ever looted this block
default boolean |
LootableInventory.setHasPlayerLooted(@NotNull Player player,
boolean looted) |
Change the state of whether or not a player has looted this block
Constructor | Description |
LootableInventoryReplenishEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull LootableInventory inventory) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
static @Nullable Player |
Bukkit.getPlayer(@NotNull String name) |
Gets a player object by the given username.
static @Nullable Player |
Bukkit.getPlayer(@NotNull UUID id) |
Gets the player with the given UUID.
@Nullable Player |
OfflinePlayer.getPlayer() |
Gets a
Player object that this represents, if there is one |
@Nullable Player |
Server.getPlayer(@NotNull String name) |
Gets a player object by the given username.
@Nullable Player |
Server.getPlayer(@NotNull UUID id) |
Gets the player with the given UUID.
static @Nullable Player |
Bukkit.getPlayerExact(@NotNull String name) |
Gets the player with the exact given name, case insensitive.
@Nullable Player |
Server.getPlayerExact(@NotNull String name) |
Gets the player with the exact given name, case insensitive.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Collection<Player> |
Location.getNearbyPlayers(double radius) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
@NotNull Collection<Player> |
Location.getNearbyPlayers(double xzRadius,
double yRadius) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
@NotNull Collection<Player> |
Location.getNearbyPlayers(double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
@NotNull Collection<Player> |
Location.getNearbyPlayers(double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
@NotNull Collection<Player> |
Location.getNearbyPlayers(double xzRadius,
double yRadius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
@NotNull Collection<Player> |
Location.getNearbyPlayers(double radius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default @NotNull Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(@NotNull Location loc,
double radius) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default @NotNull Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(@NotNull Location loc,
double xzRadius,
double yRadius) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default @NotNull Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(@NotNull Location loc,
double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default @NotNull Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(@NotNull Location loc,
double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default @NotNull Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(@NotNull Location loc,
double xzRadius,
double yRadius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default @NotNull Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(@NotNull Location loc,
double radius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
static @NotNull Collection<? extends Player> |
Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers() |
Gets a view of all currently logged in players.
@NotNull Collection<? extends Player> |
Server.getOnlinePlayers() |
Gets a view of all currently logged in players.
@NotNull List<Player> |
World.getPlayers() |
Get a list of all players in this World
static @NotNull List<Player> |
Bukkit.matchPlayer(@NotNull String name) |
Attempts to match any players with the given name, and returns a list
of all possibly matches.
@NotNull List<Player> |
Server.matchPlayer(@NotNull String name) |
Attempts to match any players with the given name, and returns a list
of all possibly matches.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
default <T> void |
World.spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle,
@Nullable List<Player> receivers,
@NotNull Player source,
double x,
double y,
double z,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ,
double extra,
T data) |
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
<T> void |
World.spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle,
@Nullable List<Player> receivers,
@Nullable Player source,
double x,
double y,
double z,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ,
double extra,
T data,
boolean force) |
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Collection<Player> |
Location.getNearbyPlayers(double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
@NotNull Collection<Player> |
Location.getNearbyPlayers(double xzRadius,
double yRadius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
@NotNull Collection<Player> |
Location.getNearbyPlayers(double radius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default @NotNull Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(@NotNull Location loc,
double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default @NotNull Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(@NotNull Location loc,
double xzRadius,
double yRadius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default @NotNull Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(@NotNull Location loc,
double radius,
@Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate) |
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default <T> void |
World.spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle,
@Nullable List<Player> receivers,
@NotNull Player source,
double x,
double y,
double z,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ,
double extra,
T data) |
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
<T> void |
World.spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle,
@Nullable List<Player> receivers,
@Nullable Player source,
double x,
double y,
double z,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ,
double extra,
T data,
boolean force) |
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull List<Player> |
BossBar.getPlayers() |
Returns all players viewing this boss bar
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
void |
BossBar.addPlayer(@NotNull Player player) |
Adds the player to this boss bar causing it to display on their screen.
void |
BossBar.removePlayer(@NotNull Player player) |
Removes the player from this boss bar causing it to be removed from their
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
protected abstract @Nullable Prompt |
PlayerNamePrompt.acceptValidatedInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context,
@NotNull Player input) |
Override this method to perform some action with the user's player name
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@Nullable Player |
LivingEntity.getKiller() |
Gets the player identified as the killer of the living entity.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
Set<Player> |
Player.Spigot.getHiddenPlayers() |
Gets all players hidden with
hidePlayer(org.bukkit.entity.Player) . |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
boolean |
Player.canSee(@NotNull Player player) |
Checks to see if a player has been hidden from this player
void |
Player.hidePlayer(@NotNull Player player) |
void |
Player.hidePlayer(@NotNull Plugin plugin,
@NotNull Player player) |
Hides a player from this player
void |
LivingEntity.setKiller(@Nullable Player killer) |
Sets the player identified as the killer of the living entity.
void |
Player.showPlayer(@NotNull Player player) |
void |
Player.showPlayer(@NotNull Plugin plugin,
@NotNull Player player) |
Allows this player to see a player that was previously hidden.
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
protected Player |
BlockPlaceEvent.player |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Player |
BlockBreakEvent.getPlayer() |
Gets the Player that is breaking the block involved in this event.
@Nullable Player |
BlockCanBuildEvent.getPlayer() |
Gets the player who placed the block involved in this event.
@NotNull Player |
BlockDamageEvent.getPlayer() |
Gets the player damaging the block involved in this event.
@NotNull Player |
BlockDropItemEvent.getPlayer() |
Gets the Player that is breaking the block involved in this event.
@Nullable Player |
BlockFertilizeEvent.getPlayer() |
Gets the player that triggered the fertilization.
@Nullable Player |
BlockIgniteEvent.getPlayer() |
Gets the player who ignited this block
@NotNull Player |
BlockPlaceEvent.getPlayer() |
Gets the player who placed the block involved in this event.
@NotNull Player |
SignChangeEvent.getPlayer() |
Gets the player changing the sign involved in this event.
Constructor | Description |
BlockBreakEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull Player player) |
BlockCanBuildEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@Nullable Player player,
@NotNull BlockData type,
boolean canBuild) |
BlockDamageEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
boolean instaBreak) |
BlockDropItemEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockState blockState,
@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull List<Item> items) |
BlockFertilizeEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@Nullable Player player,
@NotNull List<BlockState> blocks) |
BlockMultiPlaceEvent(@NotNull List<BlockState> states,
@NotNull Block clicked,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
boolean canBuild) |
BlockMultiPlaceEvent(@NotNull List<BlockState> states,
@NotNull Block clicked,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
boolean canBuild,
EquipmentSlot hand) |
BlockPlaceEvent(@NotNull Block placedBlock,
@NotNull BlockState replacedBlockState,
@NotNull Block placedAgainst,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
boolean canBuild) |
BlockPlaceEvent(@NotNull Block placedBlock,
@NotNull BlockState replacedBlockState,
@NotNull Block placedAgainst,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
boolean canBuild,
@NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) |
SignChangeEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
@NotNull String[] theLines) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Player |
EnchantItemEvent.getEnchanter() |
Gets the player enchanting the item
@NotNull Player |
PrepareItemEnchantEvent.getEnchanter() |
Gets the player enchanting the item
Constructor | Description |
EnchantItemEvent(@NotNull Player enchanter,
@NotNull InventoryView view,
@NotNull Block table,
@NotNull ItemStack item,
int level,
@NotNull Map<Enchantment,Integer> enchants,
int i) |
PrepareItemEnchantEvent(@NotNull Player enchanter,
@NotNull InventoryView view,
@NotNull Block table,
@NotNull ItemStack item,
@NotNull EnchantmentOffer[] offers,
int bonus) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Player |
PlayerDeathEvent.getEntity() |
@Nullable Player |
EntityPlaceEvent.getPlayer() |
Returns the player placing the entity
@NotNull Player |
PlayerLeashEntityEvent.getPlayer() |
Returns the player involved in this event
Constructor | Description |
EntityPlaceEvent(@NotNull Entity entity,
@Nullable Player player,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace) |
PlayerDeathEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull List<ItemStack> drops,
int droppedExp,
int newExp,
int newTotalExp,
int newLevel,
@Nullable String deathMessage) |
PlayerDeathEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull List<ItemStack> drops,
int droppedExp,
int newExp,
int newTotalExp,
int newLevel,
@Nullable String deathMessage,
boolean doExpDrop) |
PlayerDeathEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull List<ItemStack> drops,
int droppedExp,
int newExp,
@Nullable String deathMessage) |
PlayerDeathEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull List<ItemStack> drops,
int droppedExp,
@Nullable String deathMessage) |
PlayerLeashEntityEvent(@NotNull Entity what,
@NotNull Entity leashHolder,
@NotNull Player leasher) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@Nullable Player |
HangingPlaceEvent.getPlayer() |
Returns the player placing the hanging entity
Constructor | Description |
HangingPlaceEvent(@NotNull Hanging hanging,
@Nullable Player player,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Player |
FurnaceExtractEvent.getPlayer() |
Get the player that triggered the event
Constructor | Description |
FurnaceExtractEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Material itemType,
int itemAmount,
int exp) |
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
protected Player |
PlayerEvent.player |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Player |
PlayerEvent.getPlayer() |
Returns the player involved in this event
@NotNull Player |
PlayerUnleashEntityEvent.getPlayer() |
Returns the player who is unleashing the entity.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Set<Player> |
AsyncPlayerChatEvent.getRecipients() |
Gets a set of recipients that this chat message will be displayed to.
@NotNull Set<Player> |
PlayerChatEvent.getRecipients() |
Gets a set of recipients that this chat message will be displayed to
@NotNull Set<Player> |
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent.getRecipients() |
This method is provided for backward compatibility with no
guarantee to the effect of viewing or modifying the set.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
void |
PlayerChatEvent.setPlayer(@NotNull Player player) |
Sets the player that this message will display as, or command will be
executed as
void |
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent.setPlayer(@NotNull Player player) |
Sets the player that this command will be executed as.
Constructor | Description |
AsyncPlayerChatEvent(boolean async,
@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull String message,
@NotNull Set<Player> players) |
PlayerAdvancementDoneEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Advancement advancement) |
PlayerAnimationEvent(@NotNull Player player) |
Construct a new PlayerAnimation event
PlayerArmorStandManipulateEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull ArmorStand clickedEntity,
@NotNull ItemStack playerItem,
@NotNull ItemStack armorStandItem,
@NotNull EquipmentSlot slot) |
PlayerAttemptPickupItemEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Item item) |
PlayerAttemptPickupItemEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Item item,
int remaining) |
PlayerBedEnterEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block bed) |
PlayerBedEnterEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block bed,
@NotNull PlayerBedEnterEvent.BedEnterResult bedEnterResult) |
PlayerBedLeaveEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block bed,
boolean setBedSpawn) |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketFillEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketFillEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketFillEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketFillEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerChangedMainHandEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull MainHand mainHand) |
PlayerChangedWorldEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull World from) |
PlayerChannelEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String channel) |
PlayerChatEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String message) |
PlayerChatEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String message,
@NotNull String format,
@NotNull Set<Player> recipients) |
PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull String message,
@NotNull Collection<String> completions) |
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String message) |
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String message,
@NotNull Set<Player> recipients) |
PlayerCommandSendEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Collection<String> commands) |
PlayerDropItemEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Item drop) |
PlayerEditBookEvent(@NotNull Player who,
int slot,
@NotNull BookMeta previousBookMeta,
@NotNull BookMeta newBookMeta,
boolean isSigning) |
PlayerEggThrowEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Egg egg,
boolean hatching,
byte numHatches,
@NotNull EntityType hatchingType) |
PlayerEvent(@NotNull Player who) |
PlayerEvent(@NotNull Player who,
boolean async) |
PlayerExpChangeEvent(@NotNull Player player,
int expAmount) |
PlayerExpChangeEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@Nullable Entity sourceEntity,
int expAmount) |
PlayerFishEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@Nullable Entity entity,
@NotNull FishHook hookEntity,
@NotNull PlayerFishEvent.State state) |
PlayerGameModeChangeEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull GameMode newGameMode) |
PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Entity clickedEntity,
@NotNull Vector position) |
PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Entity clickedEntity,
@NotNull Vector position,
@NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerInteractEntityEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Entity clickedEntity) |
PlayerInteractEntityEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Entity clickedEntity,
@NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerInteractEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Action action,
@Nullable ItemStack item,
@Nullable Block clickedBlock,
@NotNull BlockFace clickedFace) |
PlayerInteractEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Action action,
@Nullable ItemStack item,
@Nullable Block clickedBlock,
@NotNull BlockFace clickedFace,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerItemBreakEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull ItemStack brokenItem) |
PlayerItemConsumeEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull ItemStack item) |
PlayerItemDamageEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull ItemStack what,
int damage) |
PlayerItemHeldEvent(@NotNull Player player,
int previous,
int current) |
PlayerItemMendEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull ItemStack item,
@NotNull ExperienceOrb experienceOrb,
int repairAmount) |
PlayerJoinEvent(@NotNull Player playerJoined,
@Nullable String joinMessage) |
PlayerKickEvent(@NotNull Player playerKicked,
@NotNull String kickReason,
@NotNull String leaveMessage) |
PlayerLevelChangeEvent(@NotNull Player player,
int oldLevel,
int newLevel) |
PlayerLocaleChangeEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull String locale) |
PlayerLoginEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String hostname,
@NotNull InetAddress address) |
PlayerLoginEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String hostname,
@NotNull InetAddress address,
@NotNull InetAddress realAddress) |
This constructor defaults message to an empty string, and result to
PlayerLoginEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String hostname,
@NotNull InetAddress address,
@NotNull PlayerLoginEvent.Result result,
@NotNull String message,
@NotNull InetAddress realAddress) |
This constructor pre-configures the event with a result and message
PlayerMoveEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Location from,
@Nullable Location to) |
PlayerPickupArrowEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Item item,
@NotNull AbstractArrow arrow) |
PlayerPickupItemEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Item item,
int remaining) |
PlayerPortalEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Location from,
@Nullable Location to) |
PlayerPortalEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Location from,
@Nullable Location to,
@NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause) |
PlayerPortalEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Location from,
@Nullable Location to,
@NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause,
int getSearchRadius,
boolean canCreatePortal,
int creationRadius) |
PlayerQuitEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@Nullable String quitMessage) |
PlayerRecipeDiscoverEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull NamespacedKey recipe) |
PlayerRegisterChannelEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String channel) |
PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status resourcePackStatus) |
PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent(Player who,
PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status resourcePackStatus,
String hash) |
PlayerRespawnEvent(@NotNull Player respawnPlayer,
@NotNull Location respawnLocation,
boolean isBedSpawn) |
PlayerRiptideEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull ItemStack item) |
PlayerShearEntityEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Entity what) |
PlayerShearEntityEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Entity what,
@NotNull ItemStack item,
@NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Statistic statistic,
int initialValue,
int newValue) |
PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Statistic statistic,
int initialValue,
int newValue,
@NotNull EntityType entityType) |
PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Statistic statistic,
int initialValue,
int newValue,
@NotNull Material material) |
PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull ItemStack mainHandItem,
@NotNull ItemStack offHandItem) |
PlayerTakeLecternBookEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Lectern lectern) |
PlayerTeleportEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Location from,
@Nullable Location to) |
PlayerTeleportEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Location from,
@Nullable Location to,
@NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause) |
PlayerToggleFlightEvent(@NotNull Player player,
boolean isFlying) |
PlayerToggleSneakEvent(@NotNull Player player,
boolean isSneaking) |
PlayerToggleSprintEvent(@NotNull Player player,
boolean isSprinting) |
PlayerUnleashEntityEvent(@NotNull Entity entity,
@NotNull Player player) |
PlayerUnregisterChannelEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String channel) |
PlayerVelocityEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Vector velocity) |
Constructor | Description |
AsyncPlayerChatEvent(boolean async,
@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull String message,
@NotNull Set<Player> players) |
PlayerChatEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String message,
@NotNull String format,
@NotNull Set<Player> recipients) |
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull String message,
@NotNull Set<Player> recipients) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Player |
RaidTriggerEvent.getPlayer() |
Returns the player who triggered the raid.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull List<Player> |
RaidFinishEvent.getWinners() |
Returns an immutable list contains all winners.
Constructor | Description |
RaidTriggerEvent(@NotNull Raid raid,
@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Player player) |
Constructor | Description |
RaidFinishEvent(@NotNull Raid raid,
@NotNull World world,
@NotNull List<Player> winners) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@NotNull Iterator<Player> |
ServerListPingEvent.iterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
@Nullable Player |
StructureGrowEvent.getPlayer() |
Gets the player that created the structure.
Constructor | Description |
StructureGrowEvent(@NotNull Location location,
@NotNull TreeType species,
boolean bonemeal,
@Nullable Player player,
@NotNull List<BlockState> blocks) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
abstract void |
MapRenderer.render(@NotNull MapView map,
@NotNull MapCanvas canvas,
@NotNull Player player) |
Render to the given map.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
void |
Messenger.dispatchIncomingMessage(@NotNull Player source,
@NotNull String channel,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull byte[] message) |
Dispatches the specified incoming message to any registered listeners.
void |
StandardMessenger.dispatchIncomingMessage(@NotNull Player source,
@NotNull String channel,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull byte[] message) |
void |
PluginMessageListener.onPluginMessageReceived(@NotNull String channel,
@NotNull Player player,
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull byte[] message) |
A method that will be thrown when a PluginMessageSource sends a plugin
message on a registered channel.
Constructor | Description |
PlayerSpawnLocationEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Location spawnLocation) |
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