Uses of Class
Spigot-specific player events.
Uses of PlayerEvent in com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Fired when the server is calculating what chunks to try to spawn monsters in every Monster Spawn Tick event -
Uses of PlayerEvent in com.destroystokyo.paper.event.player
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Deprecated.Not usedclass
Called when a player is granted a criteria in an advancement.class
Called when the player themselves change their armor itemsclass
Called when processing a player's attack on an entity when the player's attack strength cooldown is resetclass
Called when the player changes his client settingsclass
Fired when a player boosts elytra flight with a fireworkclass
, Duplicate APIclass
Called when the server detects the player is jumping.class
Called when a player shoots a projectileclass
Deprecated.Replaced byPlayerLocaleChangeEvent
Fired when a player is attempting to pick up an experience orbclass
Fired after a player has respawnedclass
Called when a player is firing a bow and the server is choosing an arrow to use.class
Called when a player clicks a recipe in the recipe bookclass
Triggered when a player starts spectating an entity in spectator mode.class
Triggered when a player stops spectating an entity in spectator mode.class
Fired when a teleport is triggered for an End Gatewayclass
Uses of PlayerEvent in com.destroystokyo.paper.loottable
Uses of PlayerEvent in io.papermc.paper.event.block
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when a player uses sheers on a block. -
Uses of PlayerEvent in io.papermc.paper.event.player
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An abstract implementation of a chat event, handling shared logic.class
An event fired when aPlayer
sends a chat message to the server.class
Deprecated.Listening to this event forces chat to wait for the main thread, delaying chat messages.class
Called when a player sets the effect for a beaconclass
Called when a player has slept long enough to count as passing the night/storm.class
Called when a player places an item in or takes an item out of a flowerpot.class
Fired when a player receives an item cooldown.class
Called when a player selects a banner patten in a loom inventory.class
Called when the player is attempting to rename a mobclass
Called when a player trades with a standalone merchant GUI.class
Called when aPlayer
clicks a sign that causes a command to run.class
Called when a player trades with a villager or wandering trader -
Uses of PlayerEvent in org.bukkit.event.player
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when a player has completed all criteria in an advancement.class
Represents a player animation event
for determining which arm was swung.class
Called when a player interacts with an armor stand and will either swap, retrieve or place an item.class
Thrown when a player attempts to pick an item up from the groundclass
This event is fired when the player is almost about to enter the bed.class
This event is fired when the player is leaving a bed.class
Called when a player empties a bucketclass
This event is called whenever a player captures an entity in a bucket.class
Called when a player interacts with a Bucketclass
Called when a player fills a bucketclass
Deprecated.Use the more genericPlayerBucketEntityEvent
Called when a player changes their main hand in the client settings.class
Called when a player switches to another world.class
This event is called after a player registers or unregisters a new plugin channel.class
Deprecated.This event will fire from the main thread and allows the use of all of the Bukkit API, unlike theAsyncPlayerChatEvent
Deprecated.This event is no longer fired due to client changesclass
This event is called whenever a player runs a command (by placing a slash at the start of their message).class
This event is called when the list of available server commands is sent to the player.class
Thrown when a player drops an item from their inventoryclass
Called when a player edits or signs a book and quill item.class
Called when a player throws an egg and it might hatchclass
Called when a players experience changes naturallyclass
Thrown when a player is fishingclass
Called when the GameMode of the player is changed.class
This event is called whenever a player harvests a block.class
Represents an event that is called when a player right clicks an entity that also contains the location where the entity was clicked.class
Represents an event that is called when a player right clicks an entity.class
Represents an event that is called when a player interacts with an object or air, potentially fired once for each hand.class
Fired when a player's item breaks (such as a shovel or flint and steel).class
This event will fire when a player is finishing consuming an item (food, potion, milk bucket).class
Called when an item used by the player takes durability damage as a result of being used.class
Fired when a player changes their currently held itemclass
Represents when a player has an item repaired via the Mending enchantment.class
Called when a player joins a serverclass
Called when a player gets kicked from the serverclass
Called when a players level changesclass
Called when a player changes their locale in the client settings.class
Stores details for players attempting to log in.class
Holds information for player movement eventsclass
Thrown when a player picks up an arrow from the ground.class
Called when a player is about to teleport because it is in contact with a portal.class
Called when a player leaves a serverclass
Called when a player discovers a new recipe in the recipe book.class
This is called immediately after a player registers for a plugin channel.class
Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent viaPlayer.setResourcePack(java.lang.String)
Called when a player respawns.class
This event is fired when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using their trident to propel them through the air.class
Called when a player shears an entityclass
Called when a player statistic is incremented.class
Called when a player swap items between main hand and off hand using the hotkey.class
This event is called when a player clicks the button to take a book of a Lectern.class
Holds information for player teleport eventsclass
Called when a player toggles their flying stateclass
Called when a player toggles their sneaking stateclass
Called when a player toggles their sprinting stateclass
This is called immediately after a player unregisters for a plugin channel.class
Called when the velocity of a player changes. -
Uses of PlayerEvent in org.spigotmc.event.player
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when player is about to spawn in a world after joining the server.