Package org.bukkit.util
Class BlockIterator
This class performs ray tracing and iterates along blocks on a line
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionBlockIterator(@NotNull LivingEntity entity)
Constructs the BlockIterator.BlockIterator(@NotNull LivingEntity entity, int maxDistance)
Constructs the BlockIterator.BlockIterator(@NotNull Location loc)
Constructs the BlockIterator.BlockIterator(@NotNull Location loc, double yOffset)
Constructs the BlockIterator.BlockIterator(@NotNull Location loc, double yOffset, int maxDistance)
Constructs the BlockIterator.BlockIterator(@NotNull World world, @NotNull Vector start, @NotNull Vector direction, double yOffset, int maxDistance)
Constructs the BlockIterator. -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Iterator
Constructor Details
public BlockIterator(@NotNull @NotNull World world, @NotNull @NotNull Vector start, @NotNull @NotNull Vector direction, double yOffset, int maxDistance)Constructs the BlockIterator.This considers all blocks as 1x1x1 in size.
- Parameters:
- The world to use for tracingstart
- A Vector giving the initial location for the tracedirection
- A Vector pointing in the direction for the traceyOffset
- The trace begins vertically offset from the start vector by this valuemaxDistance
- This is the maximum distance in blocks for the trace. Setting this value above 140 may lead to problems with unloaded chunks. A value of 0 indicates no limit
Constructs the BlockIterator.This considers all blocks as 1x1x1 in size.
- Parameters:
- The location for the start of the ray traceyOffset
- The trace begins vertically offset from the start vector by this valuemaxDistance
- This is the maximum distance in blocks for the trace. Setting this value above 140 may lead to problems with unloaded chunks. A value of 0 indicates no limit
Constructs the BlockIterator.This considers all blocks as 1x1x1 in size.
- Parameters:
- The location for the start of the ray traceyOffset
- The trace begins vertically offset from the start vector by this value
Constructs the BlockIterator.This considers all blocks as 1x1x1 in size.
- Parameters:
- The location for the start of the ray trace
Constructs the BlockIterator.This considers all blocks as 1x1x1 in size.
- Parameters:
- Information from the entity is used to set up the tracemaxDistance
- This is the maximum distance in blocks for the trace. Setting this value above 140 may lead to problems with unloaded chunks. A value of 0 indicates no limit
Constructs the BlockIterator.This considers all blocks as 1x1x1 in size.
- Parameters:
- Information from the entity is used to set up the trace
Method Details
public boolean hasNext()Returns true if the iteration has more elements -
Returns the next Block in the trace- Specified by:
in interfaceIterator<Block>
- Returns:
- the next Block in the trace
- Throws:
public void remove()