Interface Conversable

All Known Subinterfaces:
ConsoleCommandSender, Player

public interface Conversable
The Conversable interface is used to indicate objects that can have conversations.
  • Method Details

    • isConversing

      boolean isConversing()
      Tests to see of a Conversable object is actively engaged in a conversation.
      True if a conversation is in progress
    • acceptConversationInput

      void acceptConversationInput(@NotNull @NotNull String input)
      Accepts input into the active conversation. If no conversation is in progress, this method does nothing.
      input - The input message into the conversation
    • beginConversation

      boolean beginConversation(@NotNull @NotNull Conversation conversation)
      Enters into a dialog with a Conversation object.
      conversation - The conversation to begin
      True if the conversation should proceed, false if it has been enqueued
    • abandonConversation

      void abandonConversation(@NotNull @NotNull Conversation conversation)
      Abandons an active conversation.
      conversation - The conversation to abandon
    • abandonConversation

      void abandonConversation(@NotNull @NotNull Conversation conversation, @NotNull @NotNull ConversationAbandonedEvent details)
      Abandons an active conversation.
      conversation - The conversation to abandon
      details - Details about why the conversation was abandoned
    • sendRawMessage

      @Obsolete void sendRawMessage(@NotNull @NotNull String message)
      Sends this sender a message raw
      message - Message to be displayed
    • sendRawMessage

      @Deprecated void sendRawMessage(@Nullable @Nullable UUID sender, @NotNull @NotNull String message)
      sender UUID is ignored
      Sends this sender a message raw
      sender - The sender of this message
      message - Message to be displayed