Class EntityDeathEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class EntityDeathEvent extends EntityEvent implements Cancellable
Thrown whenever a LivingEntity dies
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getEntity

      @NotNull public @NotNull LivingEntity getEntity()
      Description copied from class: EntityEvent
      Returns the Entity involved in this event
      getEntity in class EntityEvent
      Entity who is involved in this event
    • getDamageSource

      @NotNull public @NotNull DamageSource getDamageSource()
      Gets the source of damage which caused the death.
      a DamageSource detailing the source of the damage for the death.
    • getDroppedExp

      public int getDroppedExp()
      Gets how much EXP should be dropped from this death.

      This does not indicate how much EXP should be taken from the entity in question, merely how much should be created after its death.

      Amount of EXP to drop.
    • setDroppedExp

      public void setDroppedExp(int exp)
      Sets how much EXP should be dropped from this death.

      This does not indicate how much EXP should be taken from the entity in question, merely how much should be created after its death.

      exp - Amount of EXP to drop.
    • getDrops

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<ItemStack> getDrops()
      Gets all the items which will drop when the entity dies
      Items to drop when the entity dies
    • getHandlers

      @NotNull public @NotNull HandlerList getHandlers()
      Specified by:
      getHandlers in class Event
    • getHandlerList

      @NotNull public static @NotNull HandlerList getHandlerList()
    • isCancelled

      public boolean isCancelled()
      Description copied from interface: Cancellable
      Gets the cancellation state of this event. A cancelled event will not be executed in the server, but will still pass to other plugins
      Specified by:
      isCancelled in interface Cancellable
      true if this event is cancelled
    • setCancelled

      public void setCancelled(boolean cancel)
      Description copied from interface: Cancellable
      Sets the cancellation state of this event. A cancelled event will not be executed in the server, but will still pass to other plugins.
      Specified by:
      setCancelled in interface Cancellable
      cancel - true if you wish to cancel this event
    • getReviveHealth

      public double getReviveHealth()
      Get the amount of health that the entity should revive with after cancelling the event. Set to the entity's max health by default.
      The amount of health
    • setReviveHealth

      public void setReviveHealth(double reviveHealth) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the amount of health that the entity should revive with after cancelling the event. Revive health value must be between 0 (exclusive) and the entity's max health (inclusive).
      reviveHealth - The amount of health
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the health is <= 0 or > max health
    • shouldPlayDeathSound

      public boolean shouldPlayDeathSound()
      Whether or not the death sound should play when the entity dies. If the event is cancelled it does not play!
      Whether or not the death sound should play. Event is called with this set to false if the entity is silent.
    • setShouldPlayDeathSound

      public void setShouldPlayDeathSound(boolean playDeathSound)
      Set whether or not the death sound should play when the entity dies. If the event is cancelled it does not play!
      playDeathSound - Enable or disable the death sound
    • getDeathSound

      @Nullable public Sound getDeathSound()
      Get the sound that the entity makes when dying
      The sound that the entity makes
    • setDeathSound

      public void setDeathSound(@Nullable Sound sound)
      Set the sound that the entity makes when dying
      sound - The sound that the entity should make when dying
    • getDeathSoundCategory

      @Nullable public SoundCategory getDeathSoundCategory()
      Get the sound category that the death sound should play in
      The sound category
    • setDeathSoundCategory

      public void setDeathSoundCategory(@Nullable SoundCategory soundCategory)
      Set the sound category that the death sound should play in.
      soundCategory - The sound category
    • getDeathSoundVolume

      public float getDeathSoundVolume()
      Get the volume that the death sound will play at.
      The volume the death sound will play at
    • setDeathSoundVolume

      public void setDeathSoundVolume(float volume)
      Set the volume the death sound should play at. If the event is cancelled this will not play the sound!
      volume - The volume the death sound should play at
    • getDeathSoundPitch

      public float getDeathSoundPitch()
      Get the pitch that the death sound will play with.
      The pitch the death sound will play with
    • setDeathSoundPitch

      public void setDeathSoundPitch(float pitch)
      Set the pitch that the death sound should play with.
      pitch - The pitch the death sound should play with