Interface Powerable

All Superinterfaces:
BlockData, Cloneable
All Known Subinterfaces:
Bell, Comparator, CopperBulb, Door, Gate, Lectern, LightningRod, NoteBlock, Observer, RedstoneRail, Repeater, Skull, Switch, TrapDoor, Tripwire, TripwireHook, WallSkull

public interface Powerable extends BlockData
'powered' indicates whether this block is in the powered state or not, i.e. receiving a redstone current of power > 0.
  • Method Details

    • isPowered

      boolean isPowered()
      Gets the value of the 'powered' property.
      the 'powered' value
    • setPowered

      void setPowered(boolean powered)
      Sets the value of the 'powered' property.
      powered - the new 'powered' value