Class ServerConnectRequest

  • public class ServerConnectRequest
    extends Object
    A request to connect a server.
    • Method Detail

      • getTarget

        public @NonNull ServerInfo getTarget()
        Target server to connect to.
      • getConnectTimeout

        public int getConnectTimeout()
        Timeout in milliseconds for request.
      • isRetry

        public boolean isRetry()
        Should the player be attempted to connect to the next server in their queue if the initial request fails.
      • isSendFeedback

        public boolean isSendFeedback()
        Should feedback from the request be sent to players, allows plugins to silently deal with the outcome on their own
      • setConnectTimeout

        public void setConnectTimeout​(int connectTimeout)
        Timeout in milliseconds for request.
      • setRetry

        public void setRetry​(boolean retry)
        Should the player be attempted to connect to the next server in their queue if the initial request fails.
      • setSendFeedback

        public void setSendFeedback​(boolean sendFeedback)
        Should feedback from the request be sent to players, allows plugins to silently deal with the outcome on their own