Interface TaskScheduler

  • public interface TaskScheduler
    This interface represents a scheduler which may be used to queue, delay and execute tasks in an asynchronous fashion.
    • Method Detail

      • cancel

        void cancel​(int id)
        Cancel a task to prevent it from executing, or if its a repeating task, prevent its further execution.
        id - the id of the task to cancel
      • cancel

        void cancel​(ScheduledTask task)
        Cancel a task to prevent it from executing, or if its a repeating task, prevent its further execution.
        task - the task to cancel
      • cancel

        int cancel​(Plugin plugin)
        Cancel all tasks owned by this plugin, this preventing them from being executed hereon in.
        plugin - the plugin owning the tasks to be cancelled
        the number of tasks cancelled by this method
      • runAsync

        ScheduledTask runAsync​(Plugin owner,
                               Runnable task)
        Schedule a task to be executed asynchronously. The task will commence running as soon as this method returns.
        owner - the plugin owning this task
        task - the task to run
        the scheduled task
      • schedule

        ScheduledTask schedule​(Plugin owner,
                               Runnable task,
                               long delay,
                               TimeUnit unit)
        Schedules a task to be executed asynchronously after the specified delay is up.
        owner - the plugin owning this task
        task - the task to run
        delay - the delay before this task will be executed
        unit - the unit in which the delay will be measured
        the scheduled task
      • schedule

        ScheduledTask schedule​(Plugin owner,
                               Runnable task,
                               long delay,
                               long period,
                               TimeUnit unit)
        Schedules a task to be executed asynchronously after the specified delay is up. The scheduled task will continue running at the specified interval. The interval will not begin to count down until the last task invocation is complete.
        owner - the plugin owning this task
        task - the task to run
        delay - the delay before this task will be executed
        period - the interval before subsequent executions of this task
        unit - the unit in which the delay and period will be measured
        the scheduled task
      • unsafe

        TaskScheduler.Unsafe unsafe()
        Get the unsafe methods of this class.
        the unsafe method interface