Interface PendingConnection

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface PendingConnection
    extends Connection
    Represents a user attempting to log into the proxy.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Get the requested username.
        the requested username, or null if not set
      • getVersion

        int getVersion()
        Get the numerical client version of the player attempting to log in.
        the protocol version of the remote client
      • getVirtualHost

        InetSocketAddress getVirtualHost()
        Get the requested virtual host that the client tried to connect to.
        request virtual host or null if invalid / not specified.
      • getListener

        ListenerInfo getListener()
        Get the listener that accepted this connection.
        the accepting listener
      • getUniqueId

        UUID getUniqueId()
        Get this connection's UUID, if set.
        the UUID
      • setUniqueId

        void setUniqueId​(UUID uuid)
        Set the connection's uuid
        uuid - connection UUID
      • isOnlineMode

        boolean isOnlineMode()
        Get this connection's online mode.
        See setOnlineMode(boolean) for a description of how this option works.
        the online mode
      • setOnlineMode

        void setOnlineMode​(boolean onlineMode)
        Set this connection's online mode.
        May be called only during the PlayerHandshakeEvent to set the online mode configuration setting for this connection only (i.e. whether or not the client will be treated as if it is connecting to an online mode server).
        onlineMode - status
      • isLegacy

        boolean isLegacy()
        Check if the client is using the older unsupported Minecraft protocol used by Minecraft clients older than 1.7.
        Whether the client is using a legacy client.
      • isTransferred

        boolean isTransferred()
        Gets if this connection has been transferred from another server.
        true if the connection has been transferred
      • retrieveCookie

        CompletableFuture<byte[]> retrieveCookie​(String cookie)
        Retrieves a cookie from this pending connection.
        cookie - the resource location of the cookie, for example "bungeecord:my_cookie"
        a CompletableFuture that will be completed when the Cookie response is received. If the cookie is not set in the client, the CompletableFuture will complete with a null value
        IllegalStateException - if the player's version is not at least 1.20.5
      • sendData

        CompletableFuture<byte[]> sendData​(String channel,
                                           byte[] data)
        Sends a login payload request to the client.
        channel - the channel to send this data via
        data - the data to send
        a CompletableFuture that will be completed when the Login Payload response is received. If the Vanilla client doesn't know the channel, the CompletableFuture will complete with a null value
        IllegalStateException - if the player's version is not at least 1.13