Package org.bukkit.entity
Interface Fox
- All Superinterfaces:
What does the fox say?
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptionstatic enum
Represents the various different fox types there are.Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGets the first trusted player.Gets the current type of this fox.Gets the second trusted player.boolean
Checks if this animal is crouchingboolean
Gets if the fox is defending.boolean
Gets whether the fox is faceplanting the groundboolean
Gets if the fox is interested.boolean
Gets if the fox is leaping.void
(boolean crouching) Sets if this animal is crouching.void
(boolean defending) Sets if the fox is defending.void
(boolean faceplanted) Sets if the fox face planted.void
Set the first trusted player.void
(@NotNull Fox.Type type) Sets the current type of this fox.void
(boolean interested) Sets if the fox is interested.void
(boolean leaping) Sets if the fox is leaping.void
Set the second trusted player.void
(boolean sleeping) Sets if this animal is sleeping.Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Ageable
getAge, isAdult, setAdult, setAge, setBaby
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Animals
getBreedCause, getLoveModeTicks, isBreedItem, isBreedItem, isLoveMode, setBreedCause, setLoveModeTicks
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.attribute.Attributable
getAttribute, registerAttribute
Methods inherited from interface net.kyori.adventure.audience.Audience
clearTitle, deleteMessage, deleteMessage, filterAudience, forEachAudience, hideBossBar, openBook, openBook, playSound, playSound, playSound, resetTitle, sendActionBar, sendActionBar, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendPlayerListFooter, sendPlayerListFooter, sendPlayerListHeader, sendPlayerListHeader, sendPlayerListHeaderAndFooter, sendPlayerListHeaderAndFooter, sendTitlePart, showBossBar, showTitle, stopSound, stopSound
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Breedable
canBreed, getAgeLock, setAgeLock, setBreed
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
getName, name, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendPlainMessage, sendRichMessage
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Damageable
damage, damage, getAbsorptionAmount, getHealth, getMaxHealth, resetMaxHealth, setAbsorptionAmount, setHealth, setMaxHealth
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
addPassenger, addScoreboardTag, asHoverEvent, collidesAt, eject, fromMobSpawner, getBoundingBox, getChunk, getEntityId, getEntitySpawnReason, getFacing, getFallDistance, getFireTicks, getFreezeTicks, getHeight, getLastDamageCause, getLocation, getLocation, getMaxFireTicks, getMaxFreezeTicks, getNearbyEntities, getOrigin, getPassenger, getPassengers, getPistonMoveReaction, getPortalCooldown, getPose, getScoreboardTags, getServer, getSpawnCategory, getSwimHighSpeedSplashSound, getSwimSound, getSwimSplashSound, getTicksLived, getTrackedPlayers, getType, getUniqueId, getVehicle, getVelocity, getWidth, getWorld, hasGravity, isCustomNameVisible, isDead, isEmpty, isFreezeTickingLocked, isFrozen, isGlowing, isInBubbleColumn, isInLava, isInPowderedSnow, isInRain, isInsideVehicle, isInvulnerable, isInWater, isInWaterOrBubbleColumn, isInWaterOrRain, isInWaterOrRainOrBubbleColumn, isOnGround, isPersistent, isSilent, isSneaking, isTicking, isUnderWater, isValid, isVisibleByDefault, isVisualFire, leaveVehicle, lockFreezeTicks, playEffect, remove, removePassenger, removeScoreboardTag, setCustomNameVisible, setFallDistance, setFireTicks, setFreezeTicks, setGlowing, setGravity, setInvulnerable, setLastDamageCause, setPassenger, setPersistent, setPortalCooldown, setRotation, setSilent, setSneaking, setTicksLived, setVelocity, setVisibleByDefault, setVisualFire, spawnAt, spawnAt, spigot, teamDisplayName, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleportAsync, teleportAsync, wouldCollideUsing
Methods inherited from interface io.papermc.paper.entity.Frictional
getFrictionState, setFrictionState
Methods inherited from interface net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEventSource
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
addPotionEffect, addPotionEffect, addPotionEffects, attack, broadcastSlotBreak, broadcastSlotBreak, canBreatheUnderwater, clearActiveItem, damageItemStack, damageItemStack, getActiveItem, getActivePotionEffects, getArrowCooldown, getArrowsInBody, getArrowsStuck, getBeeStingerCooldown, getBeeStingersInBody, getBodyYaw, getCanPickupItems, getCategory, getCollidableExemptions, getDeathSound, getDrinkingSound, getEatingSound, getEyeHeight, getEyeHeight, getEyeLocation, getFallDamageSound, getFallDamageSoundBig, getFallDamageSoundSmall, getHandRaised, getHandRaisedTime, getHurtDirection, getHurtSound, getItemUseRemainingTime, getKiller, getLastDamage, getLastTwoTargetBlocks, getLeashHolder, getLineOfSight, getMaximumAir, getMaximumNoDamageTicks, getMemory, getNoDamageTicks, getPotionEffect, getRemainingAir, getRemoveWhenFarAway, getShieldBlockingDelay, getTargetBlock, getTargetBlock, getTargetBlock, getTargetBlockExact, getTargetBlockExact, getTargetBlockFace, getTargetBlockFace, getTargetBlockFace, getTargetBlockInfo, getTargetBlockInfo, getTargetEntity, getTargetEntity, getTargetEntityInfo, getTargetEntityInfo, hasAI, hasLineOfSight, hasLineOfSight, hasPotionEffect, isClimbing, isCollidable, isGliding, isHandRaised, isInvisible, isJumping, isLeashed, isRiptiding, isSleeping, isSwimming, knockback, playPickupItemAnimation, playPickupItemAnimation, rayTraceBlocks, rayTraceBlocks, rayTraceEntities, rayTraceEntities, removePotionEffect, setAI, setArrowCooldown, setArrowsInBody, setArrowsInBody, setArrowsStuck, setBeeStingerCooldown, setBeeStingersInBody, setBodyYaw, setCanPickupItems, setCollidable, setGliding, setHurtDirection, setInvisible, setJumping, setKiller, setLastDamage, setLeashHolder, setMaximumAir, setMaximumNoDamageTicks, setMemory, setNoDamageTicks, setRemainingAir, setRemoveWhenFarAway, setShieldBlockingDelay, setSwimming, swingHand, swingMainHand, swingOffHand
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.loot.Lootable
clearLootTable, getLootTable, getSeed, hasLootTable, setLootTable, setLootTable, setSeed
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.metadata.Metadatable
getMetadata, hasMetadata, removeMetadata, setMetadata
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Mob
getAmbientSound, getEquipment, getHeadRotationSpeed, getMaxHeadPitch, getPathfinder, getPossibleExperienceReward, getTarget, isAware, isInDaylight, isLeftHanded, lookAt, lookAt, lookAt, lookAt, lookAt, lookAt, setAware, setLeftHanded, setTarget
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.Nameable
customName, customName, getCustomName, setCustomName
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.permissions.Permissible
addAttachment, addAttachment, addAttachment, addAttachment, getEffectivePermissions, hasPermission, hasPermission, isPermissionSet, isPermissionSet, permissionValue, permissionValue, recalculatePermissions, removeAttachment
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.persistence.PersistentDataHolder
Methods inherited from interface net.kyori.adventure.pointer.Pointered
get, getOrDefault, getOrDefaultFrom, pointers
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.projectiles.ProjectileSource
launchProjectile, launchProjectile, launchProjectile
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.permissions.ServerOperator
isOp, setOp
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Sittable
isSitting, setSitting
Method Details
Gets the current type of this fox.- Returns:
- Type of the fox.
Sets the current type of this fox.- Parameters:
- New type of this fox.
boolean isCrouching()Checks if this animal is crouching- Returns:
- true if crouching
void setCrouching(boolean crouching) Sets if this animal is crouching.- Parameters:
- true if crouching
void setSleeping(boolean sleeping) Sets if this animal is sleeping.- Parameters:
- true if sleeping
Gets the first trusted player.- Returns:
- the owning AnimalTamer, or null if not owned
Set the first trusted player.The first trusted player may only be removed after the second.
- Parameters:
- the AnimalTamer to be trusted
Gets the second trusted player.- Returns:
- the owning AnimalTamer, or null if not owned
Set the second trusted player.The second trusted player may only be added after the first.
- Parameters:
- the AnimalTamer to be trusted
boolean isFaceplanted()Gets whether the fox is faceplanting the ground- Returns:
- Whether the fox is faceplanting the ground
void setInterested(boolean interested) Sets if the fox is interested.- Parameters:
- is interested
boolean isInterested()Gets if the fox is interested.- Returns:
- fox is interested
void setLeaping(boolean leaping) Sets if the fox is leaping.- Parameters:
- is leaping
boolean isLeaping()Gets if the fox is leaping.- Returns:
- fox is leaping
void setDefending(boolean defending) Sets if the fox is defending.- Parameters:
- is defending
boolean isDefending()Gets if the fox is defending.- Returns:
- fox is defending
void setFaceplanted(boolean faceplanted) Sets if the fox face planted.- Parameters:
- face planted