Uses of Class
Packages that use EntityEvent
Spigot-specific entity events.
Uses of EntityEvent in com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity
Subclasses of EntityEvent in com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entityModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when a Creeper is ignited either by a flint and steel,Creeper.ignite()
Fired when a DragonFireball collides with a block/entity and spawns an AreaEffectCloudclass
Fired when an EnderDragon spawns an AreaEffectCloud by shooting flamesclass
Fired when an EnderDragon shoots a fireballclass
Fired when an Enderman determines if it should attack a player or not.class
Fired any time an entity is being added to the world for any reason.class
Called when an entity jumpsclass
Fired when an Entity is knocked back by the hit of another Entity.class
Fired when an Entity decides to start moving towards a location.class
Fired any time an entity is being removed from a world for any reasonclass
Fired any time an entity attempts to teleport in an end gatewayclass
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.class
Fired when lightning strikes an entityclass
Fired anytime the server is about to merge 2 experience orbs into oneclass
Deprecated.Deprecated, useProjectileHitEvent
and check if there is a hit entityclass
Event called when a player gets close to a skeleton horse and triggers the lightning trapclass
Fired when a Slime decides to change its facing direction.class
Fired when a Slime decides to start pathfinding.class
Fired when a Slime decides to start jumping while swimming in water/lava.class
Fired when a Slime decides to change direction to target a LivingEntity.class
Fired when a Slime decides to start wandering.class
Fired when a Turtle decides to go homeclass
Fired when a Turtle lays eggsclass
Fired when a Turtle starts digging to lay eggsclass
Fired when a witch consumes the potion in their hand to buff themselves.class
Fired when a witch throws a potion at a player -
Uses of EntityEvent in io.papermc.paper.event.block
Subclasses of EntityEvent in io.papermc.paper.event.blockModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when a Target Block is hit by a projectile. -
Uses of EntityEvent in io.papermc.paper.event.entity
Subclasses of EntityEvent in io.papermc.paper.event.entityModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Is called when anElderGuardian
appears in front of aPlayer
Called when an item on or used by an entity takes durability damage as a result of being hit/used.class
Called when an entity is dyed.class
Called when a mating occurs that results in a pregnancy.class
Called when an entity enters the hitbox of a block.class
Called when a LivingEntity loads a crossbow with a projectile.class
Holds information for living entity movement eventsclass
Called when an entity is ready to be teleported by a plugin.class
Fired when an entity is pushed by another entity's attack.class
Is called when an entity sits down or stands up.class
Called just before aPufferFish
inflates or deflates.class
Called when aTameable
dies and sends a death message.class
Called when a Warden's anger level has changed due to another entity.class
Called when a splash water potion "splashes" and affects different entities in different ways. -
Uses of EntityEvent in org.bukkit.event.entity
Subclasses of EntityEvent in org.bukkit.event.entityModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when a lingering potion applies its effects.class
Called when an arrow enters or exists an entity's body.class
Called when a bat attempts to sleep or wake up from its slumber.class
Called when a creature is spawned into a world.class
Called when a Creeper is struck by lightning.class
Called when an EnderDragon switches controller phase.class
Called when the amount of air an entity has remaining changes.class
Called when anEntity
breaks a doorclass
Called when one Entity breeds with another Entity.class
Called when any Entity changes a block and a more specific event is not available.class
Called when a block causes an entity to combust.class
Called when an entity causes another entity to combust.class
Called when an entity combusts.class
Called when an entity is damaged by a blockclass
Called when an entity is damaged by an entityclass
Stores data for damage eventsclass
Thrown whenever a LivingEntity diesclass
Thrown when an entity creates an item drop.class
Called when anEntity
enters a block and is stored in that block.class
Called when an entity enters love mode.class
Called when a human entity experiences exhaustion.class
Called when an entity explodes interacting with blocks.class
Called when an entity interacts with an objectclass
Thrown when an entity picks an item up from the groundclass
Triggered when an entity is created in the world by a player "placing" an item on a block.class
Called when an entity comes into contact with a portalclass
Called when a non-player entity is about to teleport because it is in contact with a portal.class
Called before an entity exits a portal.class
Called when an entity changes its pose.class
Called when a potion effect is modified on an entity.class
Stores data for health-regain eventsclass
Called when an entity dies and may have the opportunity to be resurrected.class
Called when a LivingEntity shoots a bow firing an arrowclass
Called when an entity is spawned into a world.class
Called when aSpellcaster
casts a spell.class
Thrown when a LivingEntity is tamedclass
Called when a creature targets or untargets another entityclass
Called when an Entity targets aLivingEntity
and can only target LivingEntity's.class
Thrown when a non-player entity is teleported from one location to another.class
Sent when an entity's gliding status is toggled with an Elytra.class
Sent when an entity's swimming status is toggled.class
Called when an entity is about to be replaced by another entity.class
Called immediately prior to an entity being unleashed.class
Called when a ThrownExpBottle hits and releases experience.class
Called when an entity has made a decision to explode.class
Called when a firework explodes.class
Called when a human entity's food level changesclass
Called when a horse jumps.class
This event is called when aItem
is removed from the world because it has existed for 5 minutes.class
Called when an item is spawned into a worldclass
Called when a splash potion hits an areaclass
Stores all data related to the bartering interaction with a piglin.class
Stores data for pigs being zappedclass
Called when a Pig Zombie is angered by another entity.class
Thrown whenever aPlayer
Called when a splash potion hits an areaclass
Called when a projectile hits an objectclass
Called when a projectile is launched.class
Called when a sheep's wool is dyedclass
Called when a sheep regrows its woolclass
Called when a Slime splits into smaller Slimes upon deathclass
Called when an entity is spawned into a world by a spawner.class
Called when aStrider
's temperature has changed as a result of entering or exiting blocks it considers warm.class
Called whenever a villager acquires a new trade.class
Called when aVillager
is about to restock one of its trades. -
Uses of EntityEvent in org.bukkit.event.player
Subclasses of EntityEvent in org.bukkit.event.playerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called prior to an entity being unleashed due to a player's action. -
Uses of EntityEvent in org.spigotmc.event.entity
Subclasses of EntityEvent in org.spigotmc.event.entityModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Called when an entity stops riding another entity.class
Called when an entity attempts to ride another entity.
, you should start using that