Interface EvokerFangs

All Superinterfaces:
Audience, CommandSender, Entity, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Metadatable, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder, Pointered, ServerOperator, Sound.Emitter

public interface EvokerFangs extends Entity
Represents Evoker Fangs.
  • Method Details

    • getOwner

      Gets the LivingEntity which summoned the fangs.
      the LivingEntity which summoned the fangs
    • setOwner

      void setOwner(@Nullable @Nullable LivingEntity owner)
      Sets the LivingEntity which summoned the fangs.
      owner - the LivingEntity which summoned the fangs
    • getAttackDelay

      int getAttackDelay()
      Get the delay in ticks until the fang attacks.
      the delay
    • setAttackDelay

      void setAttackDelay(int delay)
      Set the delay in ticks until the fang attacks.
      delay - the delay, must be positive