Class CookingRecipe<T extends CookingRecipe>

Type Parameters:
T - type of recipe
All Implemented Interfaces:
Keyed, Recipe, Keyed
Direct Known Subclasses:
BlastingRecipe, CampfireRecipe, FurnaceRecipe, SmokingRecipe

public abstract class CookingRecipe<T extends CookingRecipe> extends Object implements Recipe, Keyed
Represents a cooking recipe.
  • Constructor Details

    • CookingRecipe

      public CookingRecipe(@NotNull @NotNull NamespacedKey key, @NotNull @NotNull ItemStack result, @NotNull @NotNull Material source, float experience, int cookingTime)
      Create a cooking recipe to craft the specified ItemStack.
      key - The unique recipe key
      result - The item you want the recipe to create.
      source - The input material.
      experience - The experience given by this recipe
      cookingTime - The cooking time (in ticks)
    • CookingRecipe

      public CookingRecipe(@NotNull @NotNull NamespacedKey key, @NotNull @NotNull ItemStack result, @NotNull @NotNull RecipeChoice input, float experience, int cookingTime)
      Create a cooking recipe to craft the specified ItemStack.
      key - The unique recipe key
      result - The item you want the recipe to create.
      input - The input choices.
      experience - The experience given by this recipe
      cookingTime - The cooking time (in ticks)
  • Method Details

    • setInput

      Sets the input of this cooking recipe.
      input - The input material.
      The changed recipe, so you can chain calls.
    • getInput

      Use getInputChoice() instead for more complete data.
      Get the input material.
      The input material.
    • setInputChoice

      @NotNull public T setInputChoice(@NotNull @NotNull RecipeChoice input)
      Sets the input of this cooking recipe.
      input - The input choice.
      The changed recipe, so you can chain calls.
    • getInputChoice

      @NotNull public @NotNull RecipeChoice getInputChoice()
      Get the input choice.
      The input choice.
    • getResult

      @NotNull public @NotNull ItemStack getResult()
      Get the result of this recipe.
      Specified by:
      getResult in interface Recipe
      The resulting stack.
    • setExperience

      public void setExperience(float experience)
      Sets the experience given by this recipe.
      experience - the experience level
    • getExperience

      public float getExperience()
      Get the experience given by this recipe.
      experience level
    • setCookingTime

      public void setCookingTime(int cookingTime)
      Set the cooking time for this recipe in ticks.
      cookingTime - new cooking time
    • getCookingTime

      public int getCookingTime()
      Get the cooking time for this recipe in ticks.
      cooking time
    • getKey

      @NotNull public @NotNull NamespacedKey getKey()
      Description copied from interface: Keyed
      Return the namespaced identifier for this object.
      Specified by:
      getKey in interface Keyed
      this object's key
    • getGroup

      @NotNull public @NotNull String getGroup()
      Get the group of this recipe. Recipes with the same group may be grouped together when displayed in the client.
      recipe group. An empty string denotes no group. May not be null.
    • setGroup

      public void setGroup(@NotNull @NotNull String group)
      Set the group of this recipe. Recipes with the same group may be grouped together when displayed in the client.
      group - recipe group. An empty string denotes no group. May not be null.
    • getCategory

      @NotNull public @NotNull CookingBookCategory getCategory()
      Gets the category which this recipe will appear in the recipe book under. Defaults to CookingBookCategory.MISC if not set.
      recipe book category
    • setCategory

      public void setCategory(@NotNull @NotNull CookingBookCategory category)
      Sets the category which this recipe will appear in the recipe book under. Defaults to CookingBookCategory.MISC if not set.
      category - recipe book category