Interface KnowledgeBookMeta

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, ItemMeta, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder

public interface KnowledgeBookMeta extends ItemMeta
  • Method Details

    • hasRecipes

      boolean hasRecipes()
      Checks for the existence of recipes in the book.
      true if the book has recipes
    • getRecipes

      Gets all the recipes in the book.
      list of all the recipes in the book
    • setRecipes

      void setRecipes(@NotNull @NotNull List<NamespacedKey> recipes)
      Clears the existing book recipes, and sets the book to use the provided recipes.
      recipes - A list of recipes to set the book to use
    • addRecipe

      void addRecipe(@NotNull @NotNull NamespacedKey... recipes)
      Adds new recipe to the end of the book.
      recipes - A list of recipe keys
    • clone

      Specified by:
      clone in interface ItemMeta