Package org.bukkit

Class Location

All Implemented Interfaces:
FinePosition, Position, Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable

public class Location extends Object implements Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, FinePosition
Represents a 3-dimensional position in a world.
No constraints are placed on any angular values other than that they be specified in degrees. This means that negative angles or angles of greater magnitude than 360 are valid, but may be normalized to any other equivalent representation by the implementation.
  • Constructor Details

    • Location

      public Location(@UndefinedNullability World world, double x, double y, double z)
      Constructs a new Location with the given coordinates
      world - The world in which this location resides
      x - The x-coordinate of this new location
      y - The y-coordinate of this new location
      z - The z-coordinate of this new location
    • Location

      public Location(@UndefinedNullability World world, double x, double y, double z, float yaw, float pitch)
      Constructs a new Location with the given coordinates and direction
      world - The world in which this location resides
      x - The x-coordinate of this new location
      y - The y-coordinate of this new location
      z - The z-coordinate of this new location
      yaw - The absolute rotation on the x-plane, in degrees
      pitch - The absolute rotation on the y-plane, in degrees
  • Method Details

    • setWorld

      public void setWorld(@Nullable @Nullable World world)
      Sets the world that this location resides in
      world - New world that this location resides in
    • isWorldLoaded

      public boolean isWorldLoaded()
      Checks if world in this location is present and loaded.
      true if is loaded, otherwise false
    • getWorld

      @UndefinedNullability public World getWorld()
      Gets the world that this location resides in
      World that contains this location, or null if it is not set
      IllegalArgumentException - when world is unloaded
      See Also:
    • getChunk

      @NotNull public @NotNull Chunk getChunk()
      Gets the chunk at the represented location
      Chunk at the represented location
    • getBlock

      @NotNull public @NotNull Block getBlock()
      Gets the block at the represented location
      Block at the represented location
    • setX

      public void setX(double x)
      Sets the x-coordinate of this location
      x - X-coordinate
    • getX

      public double getX()
      Gets the x-coordinate of this location
    • getBlockX

      public int getBlockX()
      Gets the floored value of the X component, indicating the block that this location is contained with.
      block X
    • setY

      public void setY(double y)
      Sets the y-coordinate of this location
      y - y-coordinate
    • getY

      public double getY()
      Gets the y-coordinate of this location
    • getBlockY

      public int getBlockY()
      Gets the floored value of the Y component, indicating the block that this location is contained with.
      block y
    • setZ

      public void setZ(double z)
      Sets the z-coordinate of this location
      z - z-coordinate
    • getZ

      public double getZ()
      Gets the z-coordinate of this location
    • getBlockZ

      public int getBlockZ()
      Gets the floored value of the Z component, indicating the block that this location is contained with.
      block z
    • setYaw

      public void setYaw(float yaw)
      Sets the yaw of this location, measured in degrees.
      • A yaw of 0 or 360 represents the positive z direction.
      • A yaw of 180 represents the negative z direction.
      • A yaw of 90 represents the negative x direction.
      • A yaw of 270 represents the positive x direction.
      Increasing yaw values are the equivalent of turning to your right-facing, increasing the scale of the next respective axis, and decreasing the scale of the previous axis.
      yaw - new rotation's yaw
    • getYaw

      public float getYaw()
      Gets the yaw of this location, measured in degrees.
      • A yaw of 0 or 360 represents the positive z direction.
      • A yaw of 180 represents the negative z direction.
      • A yaw of 90 represents the negative x direction.
      • A yaw of 270 represents the positive x direction.
      Increasing yaw values are the equivalent of turning to your right-facing, increasing the scale of the next respective axis, and decreasing the scale of the previous axis.
      the rotation's yaw
    • setPitch

      public void setPitch(float pitch)
      Sets the pitch of this location, measured in degrees.
      • A pitch of 0 represents level forward facing.
      • A pitch of 90 represents downward facing, or negative y direction.
      • A pitch of -90 represents upward facing, or positive y direction.
      Increasing pitch values the equivalent of looking down.
      pitch - new incline's pitch
    • getPitch

      public float getPitch()
      Gets the pitch of this location, measured in degrees.
      • A pitch of 0 represents level forward facing.
      • A pitch of 90 represents downward facing, or negative y direction.
      • A pitch of -90 represents upward facing, or positive y direction.
      Increasing pitch values the equivalent of looking down.
      the incline's pitch
    • getDirection

      @NotNull public @NotNull Vector getDirection()
      Gets a unit-vector pointing in the direction that this Location is facing.
      a vector pointing the direction of this location's pitch and yaw
    • setDirection

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location setDirection(@NotNull @NotNull Vector vector)
      Sets the yaw and pitch to point in the direction of the vector.
      vector - the direction vector
      the same location
    • add

      Adds the location by another.
      vec - The other location
      the same location
      IllegalArgumentException - for differing worlds
      See Also:
    • add

      Adds the location by a vector.
      vec - Vector to use
      the same location
      See Also:
    • add

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location add(double x, double y, double z)
      Adds the location by another. Not world-aware.
      x - X coordinate
      y - Y coordinate
      z - Z coordinate
      the same location
      See Also:
    • addRotation

      @NotNull @Contract(value="_,_ -> this", mutates="this") public @NotNull Location addRotation(float yaw, float pitch)
      Adds rotation in the form of yaw and patch to this location. Not world-aware.
      yaw - yaw, measured in degrees.
      pitch - pitch, measured in degrees.
      the same location
      See Also:
    • addRotation

      @NotNull @Contract(value="_ -> this", mutates="this") public @NotNull Location addRotation(@NotNull @NotNull Rotation rotation)
      Adds rotation to this location. Not world-aware.
      rotation - the rotation to add.
      the same location
      See Also:
    • subtract

      Subtracts the location by another.
      vec - The other location
      the same location
      IllegalArgumentException - for differing worlds
      See Also:
    • subtract

      Subtracts the location by a vector.
      vec - The vector to use
      the same location
      See Also:
    • subtract

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location subtract(double x, double y, double z)
      Subtracts the location by another. Not world-aware and orientation independent.
      x - X coordinate
      y - Y coordinate
      z - Z coordinate
      the same location
      See Also:
    • subtractRotation

      @NotNull @Contract(value="_,_ -> this", mutates="this") public @NotNull Location subtractRotation(float yaw, float pitch)
      Subtracts rotation in the form of yaw and patch from this location.
      yaw - yaw, measured in degrees.
      pitch - pitch, measured in degrees.
      the same location
      See Also:
    • subtractRotation

      @NotNull @Contract(value="_ -> this", mutates="this") public @NotNull Location subtractRotation(@NotNull @NotNull Rotation rotation)
      Subtracts rotation from this location.
      rotation - the rotation to subtract.
      the same location
      See Also:
    • length

      public double length()
      Gets the magnitude of the location, defined as sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2). The value of this method is not cached and uses a costly square-root function, so do not repeatedly call this method to get the location's magnitude. NaN will be returned if the inner result of the sqrt() function overflows, which will be caused if the length is too long. Not world-aware and orientation independent.
      the magnitude
      See Also:
    • lengthSquared

      public double lengthSquared()
      Gets the magnitude of the location squared. Not world-aware and orientation independent.
      the magnitude
      See Also:
    • distance

      public double distance(@NotNull @NotNull Location o)
      Get the distance between this location and another. The value of this method is not cached and uses a costly square-root function, so do not repeatedly call this method to get the location's magnitude. NaN will be returned if the inner result of the sqrt() function overflows, which will be caused if the distance is too long.
      o - The other location
      the distance
      IllegalArgumentException - for differing worlds
      See Also:
    • distanceSquared

      public double distanceSquared(@NotNull @NotNull Location o)
      Get the squared distance between this location and another.
      o - The other location
      the distance
      IllegalArgumentException - for differing worlds
      See Also:
    • multiply

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location multiply(double m)
      Performs scalar multiplication, multiplying all components with a scalar. Not world-aware.
      m - The factor
      the same location
      See Also:
    • zero

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location zero()
      Zero this location's components. Not world-aware.
      the same location
      See Also:
    • isChunkLoaded

      public boolean isChunkLoaded()
    • isGenerated

      public boolean isGenerated()
      Checks if a Chunk has been generated at this location.
      true if a chunk has been generated at this location
    • set

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location set(double x, double y, double z)
      Sets the position of this Location and returns itself

      This mutates this object, clone first.

      x - X coordinate
      y - Y coordinate
      z - Z coordinate
      self (not cloned)
    • setRotation

      @NotNull @Contract(value="_,_ -> this", mutates="this") public @NotNull Location setRotation(float yaw, float pitch)
      Sets the rotation of this location and returns itself.

      This mutates this object, clone first.

      yaw - yaw, measured in degrees.
      pitch - pitch, measured in degrees.
      self (not cloned)
    • setRotation

      @NotNull @Contract(value="_ -> this", mutates="this") public @NotNull Location setRotation(@NotNull @NotNull Rotation rotation)
      Sets the rotation of this location and returns itself.

      This mutates this object, clone first.

      rotation - the new rotation.
      self (not cloned)
    • add

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location add(@NotNull @NotNull Location base, double x, double y, double z)
      Takes the x/y/z from base and adds the specified x/y/z to it and returns self

      This mutates this object, clone first.

      base - The base coordinate to modify
      x - X coordinate to add to base
      y - Y coordinate to add to base
      z - Z coordinate to add to base
      self (not cloned)
    • subtract

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location subtract(@NotNull @NotNull Location base, double x, double y, double z)
      Takes the x/y/z from base and subtracts the specified x/y/z to it and returns self

      This mutates this object, clone first.

      base - The base coordinate to modify
      x - X coordinate to subtract from base
      y - Y coordinate to subtract from base
      z - Z coordinate to subtract from base
      self (not cloned)
    • toBlockLocation

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location toBlockLocation()
      A new location where X/Y/Z are on the Block location (integer value of X/Y/Z)
    • toBlockKey

      @Deprecated(since="1.18.1") public long toBlockKey()
      only encodes y block ranges from -512 to 511 and represents an already changed implementation detail
      The block key for this location's block location.
      See Also:
    • toCenterLocation

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location toCenterLocation()
      A new location where X/Y/Z are the center of the block
    • toHighestLocation

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location toHighestLocation()
      Returns a copy of this location except with y = getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(this.getBlockX(), this.getBlockZ())
      A copy of this location except with y = getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(this.getBlockX(), this.getBlockZ())
      NullPointerException - if {getWorld()} is null
    • toHighestLocation

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location toHighestLocation(@NotNull @NotNull HeightMap heightMap)
      Returns a copy of this location except with y = getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(this.getBlockX(), this.getBlockZ(), heightMap)
      heightMap - The heightmap to use for finding the highest y location.
      A copy of this location except with y = getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(this.getBlockX(), this.getBlockZ(), heightMap)
    • createExplosion

      public boolean createExplosion(float power)
      Creates explosion at this location with given power

      Will break blocks and ignite blocks on fire.

      power - The power of explosion, where 4F is TNT
      false if explosion was canceled, otherwise true
    • createExplosion

      public boolean createExplosion(float power, boolean setFire)
      Creates explosion at this location with given power and optionally setting blocks on fire.

      Will break blocks.

      power - The power of explosion, where 4F is TNT
      setFire - Whether to set blocks on fire
      false if explosion was canceled, otherwise true
    • createExplosion

      public boolean createExplosion(float power, boolean setFire, boolean breakBlocks)
      Creates explosion at this location with given power and optionally setting blocks on fire.
      power - The power of explosion, where 4F is TNT
      setFire - Whether to set blocks on fire
      breakBlocks - Whether to have blocks be destroyed
      false if explosion was canceled, otherwise true
    • createExplosion

      public boolean createExplosion(@Nullable @Nullable Entity source, float power)
      Creates explosion at this location with given power, with the specified entity as the source.

      Will break blocks and ignite blocks on fire.

      source - The source entity of the explosion
      power - The power of explosion, where 4F is TNT
      false if explosion was canceled, otherwise true
    • createExplosion

      public boolean createExplosion(@Nullable @Nullable Entity source, float power, boolean setFire)
      Creates explosion at this location with given power and optionally setting blocks on fire, with the specified entity as the source.

      Will break blocks.

      source - The source entity of the explosion
      power - The power of explosion, where 4F is TNT
      setFire - Whether to set blocks on fire
      false if explosion was canceled, otherwise true
    • createExplosion

      public boolean createExplosion(@Nullable @Nullable Entity source, float power, boolean setFire, boolean breakBlocks)
      Creates explosion at this location with given power and optionally setting blocks on fire, with the specified entity as the source.
      source - The source entity of the explosion
      power - The power of explosion, where 4F is TNT
      setFire - Whether to set blocks on fire
      breakBlocks - Whether to have blocks be destroyed
      false if explosion was canceled, otherwise true
    • getNearbyEntities

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<Entity> getNearbyEntities(double x, double y, double z)
      Returns a list of entities within a bounding box centered around a Location.

      Some implementations may impose artificial restrictions on the size of the search bounding box.

      x - 1/2 the size of the box along the x-axis
      y - 1/2 the size of the box along the y-axis
      z - 1/2 the size of the box along the z-axis
      the collection of entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyLivingEntities

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<LivingEntity> getNearbyLivingEntities(double radius)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      radius - X Radius
      the collection of entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyLivingEntities

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<LivingEntity> getNearbyLivingEntities(double xzRadius, double yRadius)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      xzRadius - X/Z Radius
      yRadius - Y Radius
      the collection of living entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyLivingEntities

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<LivingEntity> getNearbyLivingEntities(double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      xRadius - X Radius
      yRadius - Y Radius
      zRadius - Z radius
      the collection of living entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyLivingEntities

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<LivingEntity> getNearbyLivingEntities(double radius, @Nullable @Nullable Predicate<? super LivingEntity> predicate)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      radius - Radius
      predicate - a predicate used to filter results
      the collection of living entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyLivingEntities

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<LivingEntity> getNearbyLivingEntities(double xzRadius, double yRadius, @Nullable @Nullable Predicate<? super LivingEntity> predicate)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      xzRadius - X/Z Radius
      yRadius - Y Radius
      predicate - a predicate used to filter results
      the collection of living entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyLivingEntities

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<LivingEntity> getNearbyLivingEntities(double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius, @Nullable @Nullable Predicate<? super LivingEntity> predicate)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      xRadius - X Radius
      yRadius - Y Radius
      zRadius - Z radius
      predicate - a predicate used to filter results
      the collection of living entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyPlayers

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<Player> getNearbyPlayers(double radius)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      radius - X/Y/Z Radius
      the collection of players near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyPlayers

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<Player> getNearbyPlayers(double xzRadius, double yRadius)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      xzRadius - X/Z Radius
      yRadius - Y Radius
      the collection of players near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyPlayers

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<Player> getNearbyPlayers(double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      xRadius - X Radius
      yRadius - Y Radius
      zRadius - Z Radius
      the collection of players near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyPlayers

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<Player> getNearbyPlayers(double radius, @Nullable @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      radius - X/Y/Z Radius
      predicate - a predicate used to filter results
      the collection of players near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyPlayers

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<Player> getNearbyPlayers(double xzRadius, double yRadius, @Nullable @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      xzRadius - X/Z Radius
      yRadius - Y Radius
      predicate - a predicate used to filter results
      the collection of players near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyPlayers

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<Player> getNearbyPlayers(double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius, @Nullable @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate)
      Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
      xRadius - X Radius
      yRadius - Y Radius
      zRadius - Z Radius
      predicate - a predicate used to filter results
      the collection of players near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyEntitiesByType

      @NotNull public <T extends Entity> @NotNull Collection<T> getNearbyEntitiesByType(@Nullable @Nullable Class<? extends T> clazz, double radius)
      Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius (bounding box)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the entity type
      clazz - Type to filter by
      radius - X/Y/Z radius to search within
      the collection of entities of type clazz near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyEntitiesByType

      @NotNull public <T extends Entity> @NotNull Collection<T> getNearbyEntitiesByType(@Nullable @Nullable Class<? extends T> clazz, double xzRadius, double yRadius)
      Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius, with x and x radius matching (bounding box)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the entity type
      clazz - Type to filter by
      xzRadius - X/Z radius to search within
      yRadius - Y radius to search within
      the collection of entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyEntitiesByType

      @NotNull public <T extends Entity> @NotNull Collection<T> getNearbyEntitiesByType(@Nullable @Nullable Class<? extends T> clazz, double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius)
      Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius (bounding box)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the entity type
      clazz - Type to filter by
      xRadius - X Radius
      yRadius - Y Radius
      zRadius - Z Radius
      the collection of entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyEntitiesByType

      @NotNull public <T extends Entity> @NotNull Collection<T> getNearbyEntitiesByType(@Nullable @Nullable Class<? extends T> clazz, double radius, @Nullable @Nullable Predicate<? super T> predicate)
      Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius (bounding box)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the entity type
      clazz - Type to filter by
      radius - X/Y/Z radius to search within
      predicate - a predicate used to filter results
      the collection of entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyEntitiesByType

      @NotNull public <T extends Entity> @NotNull Collection<T> getNearbyEntitiesByType(@Nullable @Nullable Class<? extends T> clazz, double xzRadius, double yRadius, @Nullable @Nullable Predicate<? super T> predicate)
      Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius, with x and x radius matching (bounding box)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the entity type
      clazz - Type to filter by
      xzRadius - X/Z radius to search within
      yRadius - Y radius to search within
      predicate - a predicate used to filter results
      the collection of entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • getNearbyEntitiesByType

      @NotNull public <T extends Entity> @NotNull Collection<T> getNearbyEntitiesByType(@Nullable @Nullable Class<? extends Entity> clazz, double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius, @Nullable @Nullable Predicate<? super T> predicate)
      Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius (bounding box)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the entity type
      clazz - Type to filter by
      xRadius - X Radius
      yRadius - Y Radius
      zRadius - Z Radius
      predicate - a predicate used to filter results
      the collection of entities near location. This will always be a non-null collection.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • toVector

      @NotNull public @NotNull Vector toVector()
      Constructs a new Vector based on this Location
      Specified by:
      toVector in interface Position
      New Vector containing the coordinates represented by this Location
    • clone

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location clone()
      clone in class Object
    • checkFinite

      public void checkFinite() throws IllegalArgumentException
      Check if each component of this Location is finite.
      IllegalArgumentException - if any component is not finite
    • locToBlock

      public static int locToBlock(double loc)
      Safely converts a double (location coordinate) to an int (block coordinate)
      loc - Precise coordinate
      Block coordinate
    • serialize

      @NotNull public @NotNull Map<String,Object> serialize()
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationSerializable
      Creates a Map representation of this class.

      This class must provide a method to restore this class, as defined in the ConfigurationSerializable interface javadocs.

      Specified by:
      serialize in interface ConfigurationSerializable
      Map containing the current state of this class
    • deserialize

      @NotNull public static @NotNull Location deserialize(@NotNull @NotNull Map<String,Object> args)
      Required method for deserialization
      args - map to deserialize
      deserialized location
      IllegalArgumentException - if the world don't exists
      See Also:
    • normalizeYaw

      public static float normalizeYaw(float yaw)
      Normalizes the given yaw angle to a value between +/-180 degrees.
      yaw - the yaw in degrees
      the normalized yaw in degrees
      See Also:
    • normalizePitch

      public static float normalizePitch(float pitch)
      Normalizes the given pitch angle to a value between +/-90 degrees.
      pitch - the pitch in degrees
      the normalized pitch in degrees
      See Also:
    • x

      public double x()
      Description copied from interface: Position
      Gets the x value for this position
      Specified by:
      x in interface Position
      the x value
    • y

      public double y()
      Description copied from interface: Position
      Gets the y value for this position
      Specified by:
      y in interface Position
      the y value
    • z

      public double z()
      Description copied from interface: Position
      Gets the z value for this position
      Specified by:
      z in interface Position
      the z value
    • isFinite

      public boolean isFinite()
      Description copied from interface: Position
      Checks if each component of this position is finite.
      Specified by:
      isFinite in interface Position
    • toLocation

      @NotNull public @NotNull Location toLocation(@NotNull @NotNull World world)
      Description copied from interface: Position
      Creates a new location object at this position with the specified world
      Specified by:
      toLocation in interface Position
      world - the world for the location object
      a new location