Class MapCursor


public final class MapCursor extends Object
Represents a cursor on a map.
  • Constructor Details

    • MapCursor

      @Deprecated(since="1.6.2") public MapCursor(byte x, byte y, byte direction, byte type, boolean visible)
      Magic value
      Initialize the map cursor.
      x - The x coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      y - The y coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      direction - The facing of the cursor, from 0 to 15.
      type - The type (color/style) of the map cursor.
      visible - Whether the cursor is visible by default.
    • MapCursor

      public MapCursor(byte x, byte y, byte direction, @NotNull @NotNull MapCursor.Type type, boolean visible)
      Initialize the map cursor.
      x - The x coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      y - The y coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      direction - The facing of the cursor, from 0 to 15.
      type - The type (color/style) of the map cursor.
      visible - Whether the cursor is visible by default.
    • MapCursor

      @Deprecated(since="1.13") public MapCursor(byte x, byte y, byte direction, byte type, boolean visible, @Nullable @Nullable String caption)
      Initialize the map cursor.
      x - The x coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      y - The y coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      direction - The facing of the cursor, from 0 to 15.
      type - The type (color/style) of the map cursor.
      visible - Whether the cursor is visible by default.
      caption - cursor caption
    • MapCursor

      @Deprecated public MapCursor(byte x, byte y, byte direction, byte type, boolean visible, @Nullable Component caption)
      Magic value
      Initialize the map cursor.
      x - The x coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      y - The y coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      direction - The facing of the cursor, from 0 to 15.
      type - The type (color/style) of the map cursor.
      visible - Whether the cursor is visible by default.
      caption - cursor caption
    • MapCursor

      public MapCursor(byte x, byte y, byte direction, @NotNull @NotNull MapCursor.Type type, boolean visible, @Nullable Component caption)
      Initialize the map cursor.
      x - The x coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      y - The y coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      direction - The facing of the cursor, from 0 to 15.
      type - The type (color/style) of the map cursor.
      visible - Whether the cursor is visible by default.
      caption - cursor caption
    • MapCursor

      public MapCursor(byte x, byte y, byte direction, @NotNull @NotNull MapCursor.Type type, boolean visible, @Nullable @Nullable String caption)
      Initialize the map cursor.
      x - The x coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      y - The y coordinate, from -128 to 127.
      direction - The facing of the cursor, from 0 to 15.
      type - The type (color/style) of the map cursor.
      visible - Whether the cursor is visible by default.
      caption - cursor caption
  • Method Details

    • getX

      public byte getX()
      Get the X position of this cursor.
      The X coordinate.
    • getY

      public byte getY()
      Get the Y position of this cursor.
      The Y coordinate.
    • getDirection

      public byte getDirection()
      Get the direction of this cursor.
      The facing of the cursor, from 0 to 15.
    • getType

      @NotNull public @NotNull MapCursor.Type getType()
      Get the type of this cursor.
      The type (color/style) of the map cursor.
    • getRawType

      @Internal public byte getRawType()
      Get the type of this cursor.
      The type (color/style) of the map cursor.
      API Note:
      Internal Use Only
    • isVisible

      public boolean isVisible()
      Get the visibility status of this cursor.
      True if visible, false otherwise.
    • setX

      public void setX(byte x)
      Set the X position of this cursor.
      x - The X coordinate.
    • setY

      public void setY(byte y)
      Set the Y position of this cursor.
      y - The Y coordinate.
    • setDirection

      public void setDirection(byte direction)
      Set the direction of this cursor.
      direction - The facing of the cursor, from 0 to 15.
    • setType

      public void setType(@NotNull @NotNull MapCursor.Type type)
      Set the type of this cursor.
      type - The type (color/style) of the map cursor.
    • setRawType

      @Deprecated(since="1.6.2", forRemoval=true) public void setRawType(byte type)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Set the type of this cursor.
      type - The type (color/style) of the map cursor.
    • setVisible

      public void setVisible(boolean visible)
      Set the visibility status of this cursor.
      visible - True if visible.
    • caption

      public @Nullable Component caption()
      Gets the caption on this cursor.
    • caption

      public void caption(@Nullable Component caption)
      Sets the caption on this cursor.
      caption - new caption
    • getCaption

      @Nullable @Deprecated public @Nullable String getCaption()
      in favour of caption()
      Gets the caption on this cursor.
    • setCaption

      @Deprecated public void setCaption(@Nullable @Nullable String caption)
      Sets the caption on this cursor.
      caption - new caption