Interface ConnectionRequestBuilder

public interface ConnectionRequestBuilder
Provides a fluent interface to send a connection request to another server on the proxy. A connection request is created using Player.createConnectionRequest(RegisteredServer).
  • Method Details

    • getServer

      RegisteredServer getServer()
      Returns the server that this connection request represents.
      the server this request will connect to
    • connect

      Initiates the connection to the remote server and emits a result on the CompletableFuture after the user has logged on. No messages will be communicated to the client: the user is responsible for all error handling.
      a CompletableFuture representing the status of this connection
    • connectWithIndication

      CompletableFuture<Boolean> connectWithIndication()
      Initiates the connection to the remote server and emits a result on the CompletableFuture after the user has logged on. Velocity's own built-in handling will be used to provide errors to the client.
      a CompletableFuture representing the status of this connection
    • fireAndForget

      void fireAndForget()
      Initiates the connection to the remote server without waiting for a result. Velocity will use generic error handling code to notify the user.