Interface Entity

All Superinterfaces:
Audience, CommandSender, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Metadatable, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, Pointered, ServerOperator, Sound.Emitter
All Known Subinterfaces:
AbstractArrow, AbstractHorse, AbstractSkeleton, AbstractVillager, Ageable, Allay, Ambient, Animals, AreaEffectCloud, ArmorStand, Arrow, Axolotl, Bat, Bee, Blaze, BlockDisplay, Boat, Boss, Breedable, Bucketable, Camel, Cat, CaveSpider, ChestBoat, ChestedHorse, Chicken, Cod, CollarColorable, CommandMinecart, ComplexEntityPart, ComplexLivingEntity, Cow, Creature, Creeper, Damageable, Display, Dolphin, Donkey, DragonFireball, Drowned, Egg, ElderGuardian, EnderCrystal, EnderDragon, EnderDragonPart, Enderman, Endermite, EnderPearl, EnderSignal, Enemy, Evoker, EvokerFangs, ExperienceOrb, Explosive, ExplosiveMinecart, FallingBlock, Fireball, Firework, Fish, FishHook, Flying, Fox, Frog, Ghast, Giant, GlowItemFrame, GlowSquid, Goat, Golem, Guardian, Hanging, Hoglin, HopperMinecart, Horse, HumanEntity, Husk, Illager, Illusioner, Interaction, IronGolem, Item, ItemDisplay, ItemFrame, LargeFireball, LeashHitch, LightningStrike, LingeringPotion, LivingEntity, Llama, LlamaSpit, MagmaCube, Marker, Minecart, Mob, Monster, Mule, MushroomCow, NPC, Ocelot, Painting, Panda, Parrot, Phantom, Pig, Piglin, PiglinAbstract, PiglinBrute, PigZombie, Pillager, Player, PolarBear, PoweredMinecart, Projectile, PufferFish, Rabbit, Raider, RangedEntity, Ravager, RideableMinecart, Salmon, SchoolableFish, Shearable, Sheep, Shulker, ShulkerBullet, Silverfish, SizedFireball, Skeleton, SkeletonHorse, Slime, SmallFireball, Sniffer, Snowball, Snowman, SpawnerMinecart, SpectralArrow, Spellcaster, Spider, SplashPotion, Squid, Steerable, StorageMinecart, Stray, Strider, Tadpole, Tameable, TextDisplay, ThrowableProjectile, ThrownExpBottle, ThrownPotion, TippedArrow, TNTPrimed, TraderLlama, Trident, TropicalFish, Turtle, Vehicle, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, WanderingTrader, Warden, WaterMob, Witch, Wither, WitherSkeleton, WitherSkull, Wolf, Zoglin, Zombie, ZombieHorse, ZombieVillager

Represents a base entity in the world
  • Method Details

    • getLocation

      @NotNull @NotNull Location getLocation()
      Gets the entity's current position
      a new copy of Location containing the position of this entity
    • getLocation

      @Contract("null -> null; !null -> !null") @Nullable @Nullable Location getLocation(@Nullable @Nullable Location loc)
      Stores the entity's current position in the provided Location object.

      If the provided Location is null this method does nothing and returns null.

      loc - the location to copy into
      The Location object provided or null
    • setVelocity

      void setVelocity(@NotNull @NotNull Vector velocity)
      Sets this entity's velocity in meters per tick
      velocity - New velocity to travel with
    • getVelocity

      @NotNull @NotNull Vector getVelocity()
      Gets this entity's current velocity
      Current traveling velocity of this entity
    • getHeight

      double getHeight()
      Gets the entity's height
      height of entity
    • getWidth

      double getWidth()
      Gets the entity's width
      width of entity
    • getBoundingBox

      @NotNull @NotNull BoundingBox getBoundingBox()
      Gets the entity's current bounding box.

      The returned bounding box reflects the entity's current location and size.

      the entity's current bounding box
    • isOnGround

      boolean isOnGround()
      Returns true if the entity is supported by a block. This value is a state updated by the server and is not recalculated unless the entity moves.
      True if entity is on ground.
      See Also:
    • isInWater

      boolean isInWater()
      Returns true if the entity is in water.
      true if the entity is in water.
    • getWorld

      @NotNull @NotNull World getWorld()
      Gets the current world this entity resides in
    • setRotation

      void setRotation(float yaw, float pitch)
      Sets the entity's rotation.

      Note that if the entity is affected by AI, it may override this rotation.

      yaw - the yaw
      pitch - the pitch
    • teleport

      @Experimental default boolean teleport(@NotNull @NotNull Location location, @NotNull @NotNull TeleportFlag @NotNull ... teleportFlags)
      Teleports this entity to the given location.
      location - New location to teleport this entity to
      teleportFlags - Flags to be used in this teleportation
      true if the teleport was successful
    • teleport

      Teleports this entity to the given location.
      location - New location to teleport this entity to
      cause - The cause of this teleportation
      teleportFlags - Flags to be used in this teleportation
      true if the teleport was successful
    • teleport

      boolean teleport(@NotNull @NotNull Location location)
      Teleports this entity to the given location. If this entity is riding a vehicle, it will be dismounted prior to teleportation.
      location - New location to teleport this entity to
      true if the teleport was successful
    • teleport

      Teleports this entity to the given location. If this entity is riding a vehicle, it will be dismounted prior to teleportation.
      location - New location to teleport this entity to
      cause - The cause of this teleportation
      true if the teleport was successful
    • teleport

      boolean teleport(@NotNull @NotNull Entity destination)
      Teleports this entity to the target Entity. If this entity is riding a vehicle, it will be dismounted prior to teleportation.
      destination - Entity to teleport this entity to
      true if the teleport was successful
    • teleport

      Teleports this entity to the target Entity. If this entity is riding a vehicle, it will be dismounted prior to teleportation.
      destination - Entity to teleport this entity to
      cause - The cause of this teleportation
      true if the teleport was successful
    • teleportAsync

      Loads/Generates(in 1.13+) the Chunk asynchronously, and then teleports the entity when the chunk is ready.
      loc - Location to teleport to
      A future that will be completed with the result of the teleport
    • teleportAsync

      Loads/Generates(in 1.13+) the Chunk asynchronously, and then teleports the entity when the chunk is ready.
      loc - Location to teleport to
      cause - Reason for teleport
      A future that will be completed with the result of the teleport
    • getNearbyEntities

      @NotNull @NotNull List<Entity> getNearbyEntities(double x, double y, double z)
      Returns a list of entities within a bounding box centered around this entity
      x - 1/2 the size of the box along x axis
      y - 1/2 the size of the box along y axis
      z - 1/2 the size of the box along z axis
      List<Entity> List of entities nearby
    • getEntityId

      int getEntityId()
      Returns a unique id for this entity
      Entity id
    • getFireTicks

      int getFireTicks()
      Returns the entity's current fire ticks (ticks before the entity stops being on fire).
      int fireTicks
    • getMaxFireTicks

      int getMaxFireTicks()
      Returns the entity's maximum fire ticks.
      int maxFireTicks
    • setFireTicks

      void setFireTicks(int ticks)
      Sets the entity's current fire ticks (ticks before the entity stops being on fire).
      ticks - Current ticks remaining
    • setVisualFire

      void setVisualFire(boolean fire)
      Sets if the entity has visual fire (it will always appear to be on fire).
      fire - whether visual fire is enabled
    • isVisualFire

      boolean isVisualFire()
      Gets if the entity has visual fire (it will always appear to be on fire).
      whether visual fire is enabled
    • getFreezeTicks

      int getFreezeTicks()
      Returns the entity's current freeze ticks (amount of ticks the entity has been in powdered snow).
      int freeze ticks
    • getMaxFreezeTicks

      int getMaxFreezeTicks()
      Returns the entity's maximum freeze ticks (amount of ticks before it will be fully frozen)
      int max freeze ticks
    • setFreezeTicks

      void setFreezeTicks(int ticks)
      Sets the entity's current freeze ticks (amount of ticks the entity has been in powdered snow).
      ticks - Current ticks
    • isFrozen

      boolean isFrozen()
      Gets if the entity is fully frozen (it has been in powdered snow for max freeze ticks).
      freeze status
    • isFreezeTickingLocked

      boolean isFreezeTickingLocked()
      Gets if the entity currently has its freeze ticks locked to a set amount.

      This is only set by plugins

      locked or not
    • lockFreezeTicks

      void lockFreezeTicks(boolean locked)
      Sets if the entity currently has its freeze ticks locked, preventing default vanilla freeze tick modification.
      locked - prevent vanilla modification or not
    • remove

      void remove()
      Mark the entity's removal.
    • isDead

      boolean isDead()
      Returns true if this entity has been marked for removal.
      True if it is dead.
    • isValid

      boolean isValid()
      Returns false if the entity has died or been despawned for some other reason.
      True if valid.
    • getServer

      @NotNull @NotNull Server getServer()
      Gets the Server that contains this Entity
      Specified by:
      getServer in interface CommandSender
      Server instance running this Entity
    • isPersistent

      boolean isPersistent()
      Returns true if the entity gets persisted.

      By default all entities are persistent. An entity will also not get persisted, if it is riding an entity that is not persistent.

      The persistent flag on players controls whether or not to save their playerdata file when they quit. If a player is directly or indirectly riding a non-persistent entity, the vehicle at the root and all its passengers won't get persisted.

      This should not be confused with LivingEntity.setRemoveWhenFarAway(boolean) which controls despawning of living entities.

      true if this entity is persistent
    • setPersistent

      void setPersistent(boolean persistent)
      Sets whether or not the entity gets persisted.
      persistent - the persistence status
      See Also:
    • getPassenger

      entities may have multiple passengers, use getPassengers()
      Gets the primary passenger of a vehicle. For vehicles that could have multiple passengers, this will only return the primary passenger.
      an entity
    • setPassenger

      @Deprecated boolean setPassenger(@NotNull @NotNull Entity passenger)
      entities may have multiple passengers, use addPassenger(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)
      Set the passenger of a vehicle.
      passenger - The new passenger.
      false if it could not be done for whatever reason
    • getPassengers

      @NotNull @NotNull List<Entity> getPassengers()
      Gets a list of passengers of this vehicle.

      The returned list will not be directly linked to the entity's current passengers, and no guarantees are made as to its mutability.

      list of entities corresponding to current passengers.
    • addPassenger

      boolean addPassenger(@NotNull @NotNull Entity passenger)
      Add a passenger to the vehicle.
      passenger - The passenger to add
      false if it could not be done for whatever reason
    • removePassenger

      boolean removePassenger(@NotNull @NotNull Entity passenger)
      Remove a passenger from the vehicle.
      passenger - The passenger to remove
      false if it could not be done for whatever reason
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Check if a vehicle has passengers.
      True if the vehicle has no passengers.
    • eject

      boolean eject()
      Eject any passenger.
      True if there was a passenger.
    • getFallDistance

      float getFallDistance()
      Returns the distance this entity has fallen
      The distance.
    • setFallDistance

      void setFallDistance(float distance)
      Sets the fall distance for this entity
      distance - The new distance.
    • setLastDamageCause

      void setLastDamageCause(@Nullable @Nullable EntityDamageEvent event)
      Record the last EntityDamageEvent inflicted on this entity
      event - a EntityDamageEvent
    • getLastDamageCause

      @Nullable @Nullable EntityDamageEvent getLastDamageCause()
      Retrieve the last EntityDamageEvent inflicted on this entity. This event may have been cancelled.
      the last known EntityDamageEvent or null if hitherto unharmed
    • getUniqueId

      @NotNull @NotNull UUID getUniqueId()
      Returns a unique and persistent id for this entity
      unique id
    • getTicksLived

      int getTicksLived()
      Gets the amount of ticks this entity has lived for.

      This is the equivalent to "age" in entities.

      Age of entity
    • setTicksLived

      void setTicksLived(int value)
      Sets the amount of ticks this entity has lived for.

      This is the equivalent to "age" in entities. May not be less than one tick.

      value - Age of entity
    • playEffect

      void playEffect(@NotNull @NotNull EntityEffect type)
      Performs the specified EntityEffect for this entity.

      This will be viewable to all players near the entity.

      If the effect is not applicable to this class of entity, it will not play.

      type - Effect to play.
    • getType

      Get the type of the entity.
      The entity type.
    • getSwimSound

      @NotNull @NotNull Sound getSwimSound()
      Get the Sound this entity makes while swimming.
      the swimming sound
    • getSwimSplashSound

      @NotNull @NotNull Sound getSwimSplashSound()
      Get the Sound this entity makes when splashing in water. For most entities, this is just Sound.ENTITY_GENERIC_SPLASH.
      the splash sound
    • getSwimHighSpeedSplashSound

      @NotNull @NotNull Sound getSwimHighSpeedSplashSound()
      Get the Sound this entity makes when splashing in water at high speeds. For most entities, this is just Sound.ENTITY_GENERIC_SPLASH.
      the splash sound
    • isInsideVehicle

      boolean isInsideVehicle()
      Returns whether this entity is inside a vehicle.
      True if the entity is in a vehicle.
    • leaveVehicle

      boolean leaveVehicle()
      Leave the current vehicle. If the entity is currently in a vehicle (and is removed from it), true will be returned, otherwise false will be returned.
      True if the entity was in a vehicle.
    • getVehicle

      @Nullable @Nullable Entity getVehicle()
      Get the vehicle that this entity is inside. If there is no vehicle, null will be returned.
      The current vehicle.
    • setCustomNameVisible

      void setCustomNameVisible(boolean flag)
      Sets whether or not to display the mob's custom name client side. The name will be displayed above the mob similarly to a player.

      This value has no effect on players, they will always display their name.

      flag - custom name or not
    • isCustomNameVisible

      boolean isCustomNameVisible()
      Gets whether or not the mob's custom name is displayed client side.

      This value has no effect on players, they will always display their name.

      if the custom name is displayed
    • setVisibleByDefault

      @Deprecated void setVisibleByDefault(boolean visible)
      draft API
      Sets whether or not this entity is visible by default. If this entity is not visible by default, then Player.showEntity(org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin, org.bukkit.entity.Entity) will need to be called before the entity is visible to a given player.
      visible - default visibility status
    • isVisibleByDefault

      @Deprecated boolean isVisibleByDefault()
      draft API
      Gets whether or not this entity is visible by default. If this entity is not visible by default, then Player.showEntity(org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin, org.bukkit.entity.Entity) will need to be called before the entity is visible to a given player.
      default visibility status
    • setGlowing

      void setGlowing(boolean flag)
      Sets whether the entity has a team colored (default: white) glow. nb: this refers to the 'Glowing' entity property, not whether a glowing potion effect is applied
      flag - if the entity is glowing
    • isGlowing

      boolean isGlowing()
      Gets whether the entity is glowing or not. nb: this refers to the 'Glowing' entity property, not whether a glowing potion effect is applied
      whether the entity is glowing
    • setInvulnerable

      void setInvulnerable(boolean flag)
      Sets whether the entity is invulnerable or not.

      When an entity is invulnerable it can only be damaged by players in creative mode.

      flag - if the entity is invulnerable
    • isInvulnerable

      boolean isInvulnerable()
      Gets whether the entity is invulnerable or not.
      whether the entity is
    • isSilent

      boolean isSilent()
      Gets whether the entity is silent or not.
      whether the entity is silent.
    • setSilent

      void setSilent(boolean flag)
      Sets whether the entity is silent or not.

      When an entity is silent it will not produce any sound.

      flag - if the entity is silent
    • hasGravity

      boolean hasGravity()
      Returns whether gravity applies to this entity.
      whether gravity applies
    • setGravity

      void setGravity(boolean gravity)
      Sets whether gravity applies to this entity.
      gravity - whether gravity should apply
    • getPortalCooldown

      int getPortalCooldown()
      Gets the period of time (in ticks) before this entity can use a portal.
      portal cooldown ticks
    • setPortalCooldown

      void setPortalCooldown(int cooldown)
      Sets the period of time (in ticks) before this entity can use a portal.
      cooldown - portal cooldown ticks
    • getScoreboardTags

      @NotNull @NotNull Set<String> getScoreboardTags()
      Returns a set of tags for this entity.
      Entities can have no more than 1024 tags.
      a set of tags for this entity
    • addScoreboardTag

      boolean addScoreboardTag(@NotNull @NotNull String tag)
      Add a tag to this entity.
      Entities can have no more than 1024 tags.
      tag - the tag to add
      true if the tag was successfully added
    • removeScoreboardTag

      boolean removeScoreboardTag(@NotNull @NotNull String tag)
      Removes a given tag from this entity.
      tag - the tag to remove
      true if the tag was successfully removed
    • getPistonMoveReaction

      @NotNull @NotNull PistonMoveReaction getPistonMoveReaction()
      Returns the reaction of the entity when moved by a piston.
    • getFacing

      Get the closest cardinal BlockFace direction an entity is currently facing.
      This will not return any non-cardinal directions such as BlockFace.UP or BlockFace.DOWN.
      Hanging entities will override this call and thus their behavior may be different.
      the entity's current cardinal facing.
      See Also:
    • getPose

      Gets the entity's current pose. Note that the pose is only updated at the end of a tick, so may be inconsistent with other methods. eg Player.isSneaking() being true does not imply the current pose will be Pose.SNEAKING
      current pose
    • isSneaking

      boolean isSneaking()
      Returns if the entity is in sneak mode
      true if the entity is in sneak mode
    • setSneaking

      void setSneaking(boolean sneak)
      Sets the sneak mode the entity.

      Note: For most Entities this does not update Entity's pose and just makes its name tag less visible.

      sneak - true if the entity should be sneaking
    • getSpawnCategory

      @NotNull @NotNull SpawnCategory getSpawnCategory()
      Get the category of spawn to which this entity belongs.
      the entity´s category spawn
    • spigot

      Specified by:
      spigot in interface CommandSender
    • teamDisplayName

      @NotNull Component teamDisplayName()
      Gets the entity's display name formatted with their team prefix/suffix and the entity's default hover/click events.
      the team display name
    • asHoverEvent

      Description copied from interface: net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEventSource
      Creates a hover event with value derived from this object.

      The event value will be passed through the provided callback to allow transforming the original value of the event.

      Specified by:
      asHoverEvent in interface HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>
      op - transformation on value
      a hover event
    • getOrigin

      Gets the location where this entity originates from.

      This value can be null if the entity hasn't yet been added to the world.

      Location where entity originates or null if not yet added
    • fromMobSpawner

      boolean fromMobSpawner()
      Returns whether this entity was spawned from a mob spawner.
      True if entity spawned from a mob spawner
    • getChunk

      @NotNull default @NotNull Chunk getChunk()
      Gets the latest chunk an entity is currently or was in.
      The current, or most recent chunk if the entity is invalid (which may load the chunk)
    • getEntitySpawnReason

      The CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason that initially spawned this entity.
    • isUnderWater

      boolean isUnderWater()
      Check if entity is underwater
    • isInRain

      boolean isInRain()
      Check if entity is in rain
    • isInBubbleColumn

      boolean isInBubbleColumn()
      Check if entity is in bubble column
    • isInWaterOrRain

      boolean isInWaterOrRain()
      Check if entity is in water or rain
    • isInWaterOrBubbleColumn

      boolean isInWaterOrBubbleColumn()
      Check if entity is in water or bubble column
    • isInWaterOrRainOrBubbleColumn

      boolean isInWaterOrRainOrBubbleColumn()
      Check if entity is in water or rain or bubble column
    • isInLava

      boolean isInLava()
      Check if entity is in lava
    • isTicking

      boolean isTicking()
      Check if entity is inside a ticking chunk
    • getTrackedPlayers

      @NotNull @NotNull Set<Player> getTrackedPlayers()
      Returns a set of Players within this entity's tracking range (players that can "see" this entity).
      players in tracking range
    • spawnAt

      default boolean spawnAt(@NotNull @NotNull Location location)
      Spawns the entity in the world at the given Location with the default spawn reason.

      This will not spawn the entity if the entity is already spawned or has previously been despawned.

      Also, this method will fire the same events as a normal entity spawn.

      location - The location to spawn the entity at.
      Whether the entity was successfully spawned.
    • spawnAt

      Spawns the entity in the world at the given Location with the reason given.

      This will not spawn the entity if the entity is already spawned or has previously been despawned.

      Also, this method will fire the same events as a normal entity spawn.

      location - The location to spawn the entity at.
      reason - The reason for the entity being spawned.
      Whether the entity was successfully spawned.
    • isInPowderedSnow

      boolean isInPowderedSnow()
      Check if entity is inside powdered snow.
      true if in powdered snow.
    • collidesAt

      boolean collidesAt(@NotNull @NotNull Location location)
      Checks for any collisions with the entity's bounding box at the provided location. This will check for any colliding entities (boats, shulkers) / worldborder / blocks. Does not load chunks that are within the bounding box at the specified location.
      location - the location to check collisions in
      collides or not
    • wouldCollideUsing

      boolean wouldCollideUsing(@NotNull @NotNull BoundingBox boundingBox)
      This checks using the given boundingbox as the entity's boundingbox if the entity would collide with anything. This will check for any colliding entities (boats, shulkers) / worldborder / blocks. Does not load chunks that are within the bounding box.
      boundingBox - the box to check collisions in
      collides or not
    • getScheduler

      @NotNull EntityScheduler getScheduler()
      Returns the task scheduler for this entity. The entity scheduler can be used to schedule tasks that are guaranteed to always execute on the tick thread that owns the entity.
      the task scheduler for this entity.
      See Also: