Uses of Interface
Packages that use PersistentDataHolder
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
including special states.Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc.Interfaces for various
types.The interfaces used when manipulating extra data can can be stored inside
item stacks
.Classes related to creating or using
without creating Structure
in the world.-
Uses of PersistentDataHolder in com.destroystokyo.paper.entity
Subinterfaces of PersistentDataHolder in com.destroystokyo.paper.entity -
Uses of PersistentDataHolder in com.destroystokyo.paper.inventory.meta
Subinterfaces of PersistentDataHolder in com.destroystokyo.paper.inventory.meta -
Uses of PersistentDataHolder in io.papermc.paper.block
Subinterfaces of PersistentDataHolder in io.papermc.paper.blockModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Interface for tile entities that are lockable.interface
Uses of PersistentDataHolder in io.papermc.paper.entity
Subinterfaces of PersistentDataHolder in io.papermc.paper.entityModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Represents an entity that can be bucketed.interface
Entities that can have their collars colored.interface
Represents a fish that can school with other fish.interface
Represents an entity that can be sheared. -
Uses of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit
Subinterfaces of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit -
Uses of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit.block
Subinterfaces of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit.blockModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Represents a captured state of a banner.interface
Represents a captured state of a Barrel.interface
Represents a captured state of a beacon.interface
Represents a captured state of a bed.interface
Represents a captured state of a bee hive.interface
Represents a captured state of Bell.interface
Represents a captured state of a blast furnace.interface
Represents a captured state of a brewing stand.interface
Represents a captured state of suspicious sand or gravel.interface
Represents a captured state of a calibrated sculk sensorinterface
Represents a captured state of a campfire.interface
Represents a captured state of a chest.interface
Represents a captured state of a chiseled bookshelf.interface
Represents a captured state of a command block.interface
Represents a captured state of an on / off comparator.interface
Represents a captured state of a conduit.interface
Represents a captured state of a container block.interface
Represents a captured state of a creature spawner.interface
Represents a captured state of a (possibly inverted) daylight detector.interface
Represents a captured state of a decorated pot.interface
Represents a captured state of a dispenser.interface
Represents a captured state of a dropper.interface
Represents a captured state of an enchanting table.interface
Represents a captured state of an ender chest.interface
Represents a captured state of an end gateway.interface
EntityBlockStorage<T extends Entity>
Represents a captured state of a block which stores entities.interface
Represents a captured state of a furnace.interface
Represents a captured state of a hanging sign.interface
Represents a captured state of a hopper.interface
Represents a captured state of a jigsaw.interface
Represents a captured state of a jukebox.interface
Represents a captured state of a lectern.interface
Represents a captured state of a sculk catalyst.interface
Represents a captured state of a sculk sensorinterface
Represents a captured state of a sculk shrieker.interface
Represents a captured state of a ShulkerBox.interface
Represents a captured state of either a SignPost or a WallSign.interface
Represents a captured state of a skull block.interface
Represents a captured state of a smoker.interface
Represents a structure block that can save and load blocks from a file.interface
Represents a block state that also hosts a tile entity at the given location. -
Uses of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit.entity
Subinterfaces of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit.entityModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Represents an arrow.interface
Represents a Horse-like creature.interface
This interface defines or represents the abstract concept of skeleton-like entities on the server.interface
Represents a villager NPCinterface
Represents an entity that can age.interface
An Allay.interface
Represents an ambient mobinterface
Represents an Animal.interface
Represents an area effect cloud which will imbue a potion effect onto entities which enter it.interface
An Axolotl.interface
Represents a Batinterface
Represents a Bee.interface
Represents a Blaze monsterinterface
Represents a block display entity.interface
Represents a boat entity.interface
Represents the Boss Entity.interface
Represents an entity that can age and breed.interface
Represents a Camel.interface
Represents a Spider.interface
with a chest.interface
Represents Horse-like creatures which can carry an inventory.interface
Represents a Chicken.interface
Represents a cod fish.interface
Represents a single part of aComplexLivingEntity
Represents a complex living entity - one that is made up of various smaller partsinterface
Represents a Cow.interface
Represents a Creature.interface
Represents a Creeperinterface
Represents anEntity
that has health and can take damage.interface
Represents a display entity which is designed to only have a visual function.interface
Represents a Donkey - variant ofChestedHorse
Drowned zombie.interface
Represents a thrown egg.interface
Represents an ElderGuardian - variant ofGuardian
A crystal that heals nearby EnderDragonsinterface
Represents an Ender Dragoninterface
Represents an ender dragon partinterface
Represents an Enderman.interface
Represents a thrown Ender Pearl entityinterface
Represents an EnderSignal, which is created upon throwing an ender eye.interface
Represents an Enemyinterface
Represents a base entity in the worldinterface
Represents an Evoker "Illager".interface
Represents Evoker Fangs.interface
Represents an Experience Orb.interface
A representation of an explosive entityinterface
Represents a falling blockinterface
Represents a Fireball.interface
Represents a fish entity.interface
Represents a fishing hook.interface
Represents a Flying Entity.interface
What does the fox say?interface
A Frog.interface
Represents a Ghast.interface
Represents a Giant.interface
A Glow Item Frame.interface
A Glow Squid.interface
A Goat.interface
A mechanical creature that may harm enemies.interface
Represents a Hanging entityinterface
Represents a Hoglin.interface
Represents a Horse.interface
Represents a human entity, such as an NPC or a playerinterface
Represents a Husk - variant ofZombie
Represents a type of "Illager".interface
Represents an Illusioner "Illager".interface
Represents an entity designed to only record interactions.interface
An iron Golem that protects Villages.interface
Represents a dropped item.interface
Represents an item display entity.interface
Represents an Item Frameinterface
Represents a largeFireball
Represents a Leash Hitch on a fenceinterface
Represents an instance of a lightning strike.interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.interface
Represents a living entity, such as a monster or playerinterface
Represents a Llama.interface
Represents Llama spit.interface
Represents a MagmaCube.interface
A Marker entity, exists only on the server.interface
Represents a minecart entity.interface
Represents a Mob.interface
Represents a Monster.interface
Represents a Mule - variant ofChestedHorse
Represents a mushroomCow
Represents a non-player characterinterface
A wild tameable catinterface
Represents a Painting.interface
Panda entity.interface
Represents a Parrot.interface
Represents a phantom.interface
Represents a Pig.interface
Represents a Piglin.interface
Piglin / Piglin Brute.interface
Represents a Piglin Brute.interface
Represents a Pig Zombie.interface
Illager entity.interface
Represents a player, connected or notinterface
Represents a polar bear.interface
Represents a shootable entity.interface
Represents a puffer fish.interface
Illager beast.interface
Represents a salmon fish.interface
Represents a Sheep.interface
Represents a Silverfish.interface
Represents a sized fireball.interface
Represents a Skeleton.interface
Represents a SkeletonHorse - variant ofAbstractHorse
Represents a Slime.interface
Represents a smallFireball
Represents a Sniffer.interface
Represents a snowball.interface
Represents a snowman entityinterface
Represents a spectral arrow.interface
Represents a spell casting "Illager".interface
Represents a Spider.interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.should not be used for anything, useThrownPotion
and set the potion via the methods there.interface
Represents a Squid.interface
Represents an entity which may be saddled, ridden and steered using an item.interface
Represents a Stray - variant ofAbstractSkeleton
Represents a Strider.interface
A babyFrog
Represents a text display entity.interface
Represents a thrown Experience bottle.interface
Represents a thrown potion bottleinterface
Deprecated.tipped status depends only on base potion type not being UNCRAFTABLE and effects being empty.interface
Represents a Primed TNT.interface
Represents a trader Llama.interface
Represents a thrown trident.interface
Tropical fish.interface
Represents a turtle.interface
Represents a vehicle entity.interface
Represents a Vex.interface
Represents a villager NPCinterface
Represents a Vindicator.interface
Represents a wandering trader NPCinterface
A Warden.interface
Represents a Water Mobinterface
Represents a Witchinterface
Represents a Wither bossinterface
Represents a WitherSkeleton - variant ofAbstractSkeleton
Represents a wither skullFireball
Represents a Wolfinterface
Represents a Zoglin.interface
Represents a Zombie.interface
Represents a ZombieHorse - variant ofAbstractHorse
Uses of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit.entity.minecart
Subinterfaces of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit.entity.minecartModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Represents a Minecart with TNT inside it that can explode when triggered.interface
Represents a Minecart with a Hopper inside itinterface
Represents a powered minecart.interface
Represents a minecart that can have certainentities
as passengers.interface
Represents a Minecart with anentity spawner
inside it.interface
Represents a minecart with a chest. -
Uses of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit.inventory.meta
Subinterfaces of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit.inventory.metaModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Represents armor that an entity can equip.interface
Represents a bucket of axolotl.interface
Represents a book (Material.WRITABLE_BOOK
) that can have a title, an author, and pages.interface
Represents armor that an entity can equip and can also be colored.interface
Represents a compass that can track a specific location.interface
Represents an item that has durability and can take damage.interface
EnchantmentMeta is specific to items that can store enchantments, as opposed to being enchanted.interface
Represents a meta that can store a single FireworkEffect.interface
Represents aMaterial.FIREWORK_ROCKET
and its effects.interface
This type represents the storage mechanism for auxiliary item data.interface
Represents leather armor (Material.LEATHER_BOOTS
) that can be colored.interface
Represents a map that can be scalable.interface
Represents a potion or item that can have custom effects.interface
Represents an item that can be repaired at an anvil.interface
Represents a skull that can have an owner.interface
Represents a spawn egg and it's spawned type.interface
Represents a suspicious stew that can have custom effects.interface
Represents a bucket of tropical fish. -
Uses of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit.structure
Subinterfaces of PersistentDataHolder in org.bukkit.structure
and set the potion via the methods there.