Interface Slime

All Superinterfaces:
Attributable, Audience, CommandSender, Damageable, Enemy, Entity, Frictional, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Leashable, LivingEntity, Lootable, Metadatable, Mob, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder, Pointered, ProjectileSource, ServerOperator, Sound.Emitter
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface Slime extends Mob, Enemy
Represents a Slime.
  • Method Details

    • getSize

      int getSize()
      The size of the slime
    • setSize

      void setSize(int sz)
      Setting the size of the slime (regardless of previous size) will set the following attributes: to their per-size defaults and heal the slime to its max health (assuming it's alive).
      sz - The new size of the slime.
    • canWander

      boolean canWander()
      Get whether this slime can randomly wander/jump around on its own
      true if can wander
    • setWander

      void setWander(boolean canWander)
      Set whether this slime can randomly wander/jump around on its own
      canWander - true if can wander