Interface ZombieVillager

All Superinterfaces:
Ageable, Attributable, Audience, CommandSender, Creature, Damageable, Enemy, Entity, Frictional, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Leashable, LivingEntity, Lootable, Metadatable, Mob, Monster, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder, Pointered, ProjectileSource, ServerOperator, Sound.Emitter, Zombie

public interface ZombieVillager extends Zombie
Represents a Zombie which was once a Villager.
  • Method Details

    • setVillagerProfession

      void setVillagerProfession(@NotNull Villager.Profession profession)
      Sets the villager profession of this zombie.
      Specified by:
      setVillagerProfession in interface Zombie
      profession - profession
      See Also:
    • getVillagerProfession

      @NotNull Villager.Profession getVillagerProfession()
      Returns the villager profession of this zombie.
      Specified by:
      getVillagerProfession in interface Zombie
      the profession
      See Also:
    • getVillagerType

      @NotNull Villager.Type getVillagerType()
      Gets the current type of this villager.
      Current type.
    • setVillagerType

      void setVillagerType(@NotNull Villager.Type type)
      Sets the new type of this villager.
      type - New type.
    • isConverting

      boolean isConverting()
      Get if this entity is in the process of converting to a Villager as a result of being cured.
      Specified by:
      isConverting in interface Zombie
      conversion status
    • getConversionTime

      int getConversionTime()
      Gets the amount of ticks until this entity will be converted to a Villager as a result of being cured. When this reaches 0, the entity will be converted.
      Specified by:
      getConversionTime in interface Zombie
      conversion time
      IllegalStateException - if isConverting() is false.
    • setConversionTime

      void setConversionTime(int time)
      Sets the amount of ticks until this entity will be converted to a Villager as a result of being cured. When this reaches 0, the entity will be converted. A value of less than 0 will stop the current conversion process without converting the current entity.
      Specified by:
      setConversionTime in interface Zombie
      time - new conversion time
    • getConversionPlayer

      @Nullable @Nullable OfflinePlayer getConversionPlayer()
      Gets the player who initiated the conversion.
      the player, or null if the player is unknown or the entity isn't converting currently
    • setConversionPlayer

      void setConversionPlayer(@Nullable @Nullable OfflinePlayer conversionPlayer)
      Sets the player who initiated the conversion.

      This has no effect if this entity isn't converting currently.

      conversionPlayer - the player
    • setConversionTime

      void setConversionTime(int time, boolean broadcastEntityEvent)
      Sets the amount of ticks until this entity will be converted to a Villager as a result of being cured.

      When this reaches 0, the entity will be converted. A value of less than 0 will stop the current conversion process without converting the current entity.

      time - new conversion time
      broadcastEntityEvent - whether this conversion time mutation should broadcast the org.bukkit.EntityEffect.ZOMBIE_TRANSFORM entity event to the world. If false, no entity event is published, preventing for example the org.bukkit.Sound.ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE from playing.