Interface PluginProviderContext

All Known Subinterfaces:

@Experimental @NullMarked @NonExtendable public interface PluginProviderContext
Represents the context provided to a PluginBootstrap during both the bootstrapping and plugin instantiation logic. A bootstrap context may be used to access data or logic usually provided to Plugin instances like the plugin's configuration or logger during the plugins bootstrap.
  • Method Details

    • getConfiguration

      PluginMeta getConfiguration()
      Provides the plugin's configuration.
      the plugin's configuration
    • getDataDirectory

      Path getDataDirectory()
      Provides the path to the data directory of the plugin.
      the previously described path
    • getLogger

      ComponentLogger getLogger()
      Provides the logger used for this plugin.
      the logger instance
    • getPluginSource

      Path getPluginSource()
      Provides the path to the originating source of the plugin, such as the plugin's JAR file.
      the previously described path