Interface Bell

All Superinterfaces:
BlockState, Metadatable, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder, TileState

public interface Bell extends TileState
Represents a captured state of Bell.
  • Method Details

    • ring

      boolean ring(@Nullable @Nullable Entity entity, @Nullable @Nullable BlockFace direction)
      Ring this bell. This will call a BellRingEvent.
      entity - the entity ringing the bell
      direction - the direction from which the bell was rung or null to ring in the direction that the bell is facing
      true if rung successfully, false if the event was cancelled
    • ring

      boolean ring(@Nullable @Nullable Entity entity)
      Ring this bell in the direction that the bell is facing. This will call a BellRingEvent.
      entity - the entity ringing the bell
      true if rung successfully, false if the event was cancelled
    • ring

      boolean ring(@Nullable @Nullable BlockFace direction)
      Ring this bell. This will call a BellRingEvent.
      direction - the direction from which the bell was rung or null to ring in the direction that the bell is facing
      true if rung successfully, false if the event was cancelled
    • ring

      boolean ring()
      Ring this bell in the direction that the bell is facing. This will call a BellRingEvent.
      true if rung successfully, false if the event was cancelled
    • isShaking

      boolean isShaking()
      Check whether or not this bell is shaking. A bell is considered to be shaking if it was recently rung.

      A bell will typically shake for 50 ticks.

      true if shaking, false otherwise
    • getShakingTicks

      int getShakingTicks()
      Get the amount of ticks since this bell has been shaking, or 0 if the bell is not currently shaking.

      A bell will typically shake for 50 ticks.

      the time in ticks since the bell was rung, or 0 if not shaking
    • isResonating

      boolean isResonating()
      Check whether or not this bell is resonating. A bell is considered to be resonating if while shaking, raiders were detected in the area and are ready to be highlighted to nearby players.

      A bell will typically resonate for 40 ticks.

      true if resonating, false otherwise
    • getResonatingTicks

      int getResonatingTicks()
      Get the amount of ticks since this bell has been resonating, or 0 if the bell is not currently resonating.

      A bell will typically resonate for 40 ticks.

      the time in ticks since the bell has been resonating, or 0 if not resonating