Class UnknownDependencyException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UnknownDependencyException extends RuntimeException
Thrown when attempting to load an invalid Plugin file
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UnknownDependencyException

      public UnknownDependencyException(Throwable throwable)
      Constructs a new UnknownDependencyException based on the given Exception
      throwable - Exception that triggered this Exception
    • UnknownDependencyException

      public UnknownDependencyException(String message)
      Constructs a new UnknownDependencyException with the given message
      message - Brief message explaining the cause of the exception
    • UnknownDependencyException

      public UnknownDependencyException(Throwable throwable, String message)
      Constructs a new UnknownDependencyException based on the given Exception
      throwable - Exception that triggered this Exception
      message - Brief message explaining the cause of the exception
    • UnknownDependencyException

      public UnknownDependencyException()
      Constructs a new UnknownDependencyException
    • UnknownDependencyException

      public UnknownDependencyException(@NotNull Collection<String> missingDependencies, @NotNull @NotNull String pluginName)
      Create a new UnknownDependencyException with a message informing about which dependencies are missing for what plugin.
      missingDependencies - missing dependencies
      pluginName - plugin which is missing said dependencies