All Classes and Interfaces

Marks an event as an event the proxy will wait on to completely fire (including any EventTasks) before continuing handling it.
An event handler that returns an EventTask to await on.
A command that uses Brigadier for parsing the command and providing suggestions to the client.
Represents a channel identifier for use with plugin messaging.
Represents something that can be sent plugin messages.
Indicates that this may be a source of plugin messages.
Represents an interface to register and unregister ChannelIdentifiers for the proxy to listen on.
Represents a chat session held by a player.
Represents a command that can be executed by a CommandSource such as a Player or the console.
This event is fired when someone executes a command.
Represents the result of the CommandExecuteEvent.
Provides information related to the possible execution of a Command.
Handles the registration and execution of commands.
Contains metadata for a Command.
Provides a fluent interface to create CommandMetas.
The result of a command invocation attempt.
Represents something that can be used to run a Command.
This event is fired when a handshake is established between a client and the proxy.
Provides a fluent interface to send a connection request to another server on the proxy.
Represents the result of a connection request.
Represents the status of a connection request initiated by a ConnectionRequestBuilder.
Indicates that the executor of the command is the console.
Represents a continuation of a paused event handler.
This event is fired when a cookie response from a client is received by the proxy.
A result determining whether or not to forward the cookie response on.
This event is fired when a cookie from a client is requested either by a proxy plugin or by a backend server.
A result determining whether or not to forward the cookie request on.
This event is fired when a cookie should be stored on a player's client.
A result determining whether or not to forward the cookie on.
This annotation requests that Velocity inject a Path instance with a plugin-specific data directory.
Indicates that the Plugin depends on another plugin in order to enable.
This event is fired when a player disconnects from the proxy.
The status of the connection when the player disconnected.
Represents an interface to perform direct dispatch of an event.
Allows plugins to register and deregister listeners for event handlers.
Represents a task that can be returned by a EventHandler which allows event handling to be suspended and resumed at a later time, and executing event handlers completely or partially asynchronously.
Represents a Minecraft server favicon.
Represents a Mojang game profile.
Represents a Mojang profile property.
This event is fired after the PreLoginEvent in order to set up the game profile for the user.
Represents the ClientIntent of a client in the Handshake state.
Represents session-server cross-signed dated RSA public key.
The different versions of player keys, per Minecraft version.
Represents an incoming connection to the proxy.
Thrown if a JAR in the plugin directory does not look valid.
A command that can be executed with arbitrary arguments.
Identifies a type with a public RSA signature.
Represents the signature of a signed object.
Fired when a player is kicked from a server.
Tells the proxy to disconnect the player with the specified reason.
Notifies the player with the specified message but does nothing else.
Tells the proxy to redirect the player to another server.
Represents the base interface for KickedFromServerEvent results.
Represents a legacy channel identifier (for Minecraft 1.12 and below).
This event is fired by the proxy after a listener starts accepting connections.
This event is fired by the proxy before the proxy stops accepting connections.
Represents each listener type.
This event is fired once the player has been authenticated, but before they connect to a server.
Represents a connextion that is in the login phase.
Consumes the message.
Represents where a chat message is going to be sent.
Represents a Minecraft 1.13+ channel identifier.
Represents the information for a Forge mod list.
Represents a mod to send to the client.
Something that is ordered.
Function that calculates the permission settings for a given PermissionSubject.
Called when a PermissionSubject's permissions are being setup.
Represents a object that has a set of queryable permissions.
Contains the parameters used to ping a RegisteredServer.
A builder for PingOptions objects.
Represents a player who is connected to the proxy.
Allows plugins to modify the packet indicating commands available on the server to a Minecraft 1.13+ client.
This event is fired when a client (Player) sends a plugin message through the register channel.
This event is fired when a player types in a chat message.
Represents the result of the PlayerChatEvent.
Fired when a player has finished the login process, and we need to choose the first server to connect to.
Fired when a Player sends the minecraft:brand plugin message.
This event is executed when a player entered the configuration state and can be configured by Velocity.
This event is executed when a player is about to enter the configuration state.
This event is executed when a player has entered the configuration state.
This event is executed when a player is about to finish the configuration state.
This event is executed when a player has finished the configuration state.
This event is fired when a Forge client sends its mods to the proxy while connecting to a server.
This event is fired when the status of a resource pack sent to the player by the server is changed.
Represents the possible statuses for the resource pack.
Represents the client settings for the player.
The client's current chat display mode.
The player's selected dominant hand.
The client's current "Particles" option state.
This event is fired when the client sends new client settings for the player.
Annotation used to describe a Velocity plugin.
A wrapper around a plugin loaded by the proxy.
Represents a dependency on another plugin.
Represents metadata for a specific version of a plugin.
Manages plugins loaded on the proxy.
A data encoder to be sent via a plugin message.
This event is fired when a plugin message is sent to the proxy, either from a client (Player) or a server (ServerConnection).
A result determining whether or not to forward this message on.
This event is fired when velocity executed a command.
This event is fired once the player has been fully initialized and is about to connect to their first server.
Represents the order an event will be posted to a listener method, relative to other listeners.
This event is fired when a player has initiated a connection with the proxy but before the proxy authenticates the player with Mojang or before the player's proxy connection is fully established (for offline mode).
Represents an "allowed/allowed with forced online\offline mode/denied" result with a reason allowed for denial.
This event is executed before sending a player to another host, either by the backend server or by a plugin using the Player.transferToHost(InetSocketAddress) method.
Transfer Result of a player to another host.
Representation of the state of the protocol in which a connection can be present.
Represents each Minecraft protocol version.
Exposes certain proxy configuration information that plugins may use.
This event is fired by the proxy after plugins have been loaded but before the proxy starts accepting connections.
This event is fired when a request for server information is sent by a remote client, or when the server sends the MOTD and favicon to the client after a successful login.
This event is fired if proxy is getting queried over GS4 Query protocol.
Represents the type of query the client is asking for.
This event is fired when the proxy is reloaded by the user using /velocity reload.
Provides an interface to a Minecraft server proxy.
This event is fired by the proxy after the proxy has stopped accepting connections but before the proxy process exits.
Provides a version object for the proxy.
GS4 query response.
A builder for QueryResponse objects.
Represents a plugin in the query response.
A specialized sub-interface of Command which indicates the proxy should pass the command and its arguments directly without further processing.
Contains the invocation data for a raw command.
Represents a server that has been registered with the proxy.
Represents the information for a resource pack to apply that can be sent to the client.
Builder for ResourcePackInfo instances.
Represents the origin of the resource-pack.
Indicates an event that has a result attached to it.
Represents an "allowed/denied" result with a reason allowed for denial.
A generic "allowed/denied" result.
Represents a result for an event.
Represents a task that is scheduled to run on the proxy.
Represents a scheduler to execute tasks on the proxy.
Represents a fluent interface to schedule tasks on the proxy.
This event is fired once the player has successfully connected to the target server and the connection to the previous server has been de-established.
Represents a connection to a backend server from the proxy for a client.
ServerInfo represents a server that a player can connect to.
Represents a custom URL servers can show in player pause menus.
Built-in types of server links.
Fired when a server sends a login plugin message to the proxy.
The result class, containing a response to the login plugin message sent by the server.
Represents a 1.7 and above server list ping response.
A builder for ServerPing objects.
Represents what the players the server purports to have online, its maximum capacity, and a sample of players on the server.
A player returned in the sample field of the server ping players field.
Represents the version of the server sent to the client.
Fired after the player has connected to a server.
This event is fired before the player connects to a server.
Represents the result of the ServerPreConnectEvent.
This event is fired by the proxy after a backend server is registered to the server map.
This event is fired when the downstream server tries to remove a resource pack from player or clear all of them.
This event is fired when the downstream server tries to send a player a ResourcePack packet.
This event is fired by the proxy after a backend server is unregistered from the server map.
A signed message.
A simple command, modelled after the convention popularized by Bukkit and BungeeCord.
Contains the invocation data for a simple command.
Represents what, if any, extended parts of the skin this player has.
An annotation that indicates that this method can be used to listen for an event from the proxy.
This event is fired after a tab complete response is sent by the remote server, for clients on 1.12.2 and below.
Represents the tab list of a Player.
Represents a single entry in a TabList.
Represents a builder which creates TabListEntrys.
Enumerates all possible task statuses.
Represents three different states of a setting.
Provides a small, useful selection of utilities for working with Minecraft UUIDs.
Represents an implementation of brigadier's Message, providing support for Component messages.