Class AsyncEvent<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AsyncEvent

        public AsyncEvent​(Callback<T> done)
    • Method Detail

      • postCall

        public void postCall()
        Description copied from class: Event
        Method called after this event has been dispatched to all handlers.
        postCall in class Event
      • registerIntent

        public void registerIntent​(Plugin plugin)
        Register an intent that this plugin will continue to perform work on a background task, and wishes to let the event proceed once the registered background task has completed. Multiple intents can be registered by a plugin, but the plugin must complete the same amount of intents for the event to proceed.
        plugin - the plugin registering this intent
      • completeIntent

        public void completeIntent​(Plugin plugin)
        Notifies this event that this plugin has completed an intent and wishes to let the event proceed once all intents have been completed.
        plugin - a plugin which has an intent registered for this event
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object