Interface Cat

All Superinterfaces:
Ageable, Animals, Attributable, Audience, Breedable, CollarColorable, CommandSender, Creature, Damageable, Entity, Frictional, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Leashable, LivingEntity, Lootable, Metadatable, Mob, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder, Pointered, ProjectileSource, ServerOperator, Sittable, Sound.Emitter, Tameable

public interface Cat extends Tameable, Sittable, CollarColorable
  • Method Details

    • getCatType

      @NotNull @NotNull Cat.Type getCatType()
      Gets the current type of this cat.
      Type of the cat.
    • setCatType

      void setCatType(@NotNull @NotNull Cat.Type type)
      Sets the current type of this cat.
      type - New type of this cat.
    • getCollarColor

      @NotNull @NotNull DyeColor getCollarColor()
      Get the collar color of this cat
      Specified by:
      getCollarColor in interface CollarColorable
      the color of the collar
    • setCollarColor

      void setCollarColor(@NotNull @NotNull DyeColor color)
      Set the collar color of this cat
      Specified by:
      setCollarColor in interface CollarColorable
      color - the color to apply
    • setLyingDown

      void setLyingDown(boolean lyingDown)
      Sets if the cat is lying down. This is visual and does not affect the behaviour of the cat.
      lyingDown - whether the cat should lie down
    • isLyingDown

      boolean isLyingDown()
      Gets if the cat is lying down.
      whether the cat is lying down
    • setHeadUp

      void setHeadUp(boolean headUp)
      Sets if the cat has its head up. This is visual and does not affect the behaviour of the cat.
      headUp - head is up
    • isHeadUp

      boolean isHeadUp()
      Gets if the cat has its head up.
      head is up