Interface Warden

All Superinterfaces:
Attributable, Audience, CommandSender, Creature, Damageable, Enemy, Entity, Frictional, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Leashable, LivingEntity, Lootable, Metadatable, Mob, Monster, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder, Pointered, ProjectileSource, ServerOperator, Sound.Emitter

public interface Warden extends Monster
A Warden.
  • Method Details

    • getAnger

      int getAnger()
      Gets the anger level of this warden. Anger is an integer from 0 to 150. Once a Warden reaches 80 anger at a target it will actively pursue it.
      anger level
    • getAnger

      int getAnger(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity)
      Gets the anger level of this warden. Anger is an integer from 0 to 150. Once a Warden reaches 80 anger at a target it will actively pursue it.
      entity - target entity
      anger level
    • getHighestAnger

      int getHighestAnger()
      Gets the highest anger level of this warden.

      Anger is an integer from 0 to 150. Once a Warden reaches 80 anger at a target it will actively pursue it.

      highest anger level
    • increaseAnger

      void increaseAnger(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity, int increase)
      Increases the anger level of this warden. Anger is an integer from 0 to 150. Once a Warden reaches 80 anger at a target it will actively pursue it.
      entity - target entity
      increase - number to increase by
      See Also:
    • setAnger

      void setAnger(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity, int anger)
      Sets the anger level of this warden. Anger is an integer from 0 to 150. Once a Warden reaches 80 anger at a target it will actively pursue it.
      entity - target entity
      anger - new anger level
      See Also:
    • clearAnger

      void clearAnger(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity)
      Clears the anger level of this warden.
      entity - target entity
    • getEntityAngryAt

      @Nullable @Nullable LivingEntity getEntityAngryAt()
      Gets the LivingEntity at which this warden is most angry.
      The target LivingEntity or null
    • setDisturbanceLocation

      void setDisturbanceLocation(@NotNull @NotNull Location location)
      Make the warden sense a disturbance in the force at the location given.
      location - location of the disturbance
    • getAngerLevel

      Get the level of anger of this warden.
      The level of anger