Interface SuspiciousStewMeta

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable, ItemMeta, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder

public interface SuspiciousStewMeta extends ItemMeta
Represents a suspicious stew that can have custom effects.
  • Method Details

    • hasCustomEffects

      boolean hasCustomEffects()
      Checks for the presence of custom potion effects.
      true if custom potion effects are applied
    • getCustomEffects

      @NotNull @NotNull List<PotionEffect> getCustomEffects()
      Gets an immutable list containing all custom potion effects applied to this suspicious stew.

      Plugins should check that hasCustomEffects() returns true before calling this method.

      the immutable list of custom potion effects
    • addCustomEffect

      @Deprecated boolean addCustomEffect(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffect effect, boolean overwrite)
      use addCustomEffect(io.papermc.paper.potion.SuspiciousEffectEntry, boolean) as PotionEffect suggests that all attributes are used. In fact, only the PotionEffectType and the duration are used.
      Adds a custom potion effect to this suspicious stew.
      effect - the potion effect to add
      overwrite - true if any existing effect of the same type should be overwritten
      true if the suspicious stew meta changed as a result of this call
    • addCustomEffect

      boolean addCustomEffect(@NotNull SuspiciousEffectEntry suspiciousEffectEntry, boolean overwrite)
      Adds a custom potion effect to this suspicious stew.
      suspiciousEffectEntry - the suspicious effect entry to add
      overwrite - true if any existing effect of the same type should be overwritten
      true if the suspicious stew meta changed as a result of this call as a result of this call
    • removeCustomEffect

      boolean removeCustomEffect(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffectType type)
      Removes a custom potion effect from this suspicious stew.
      type - the potion effect type to remove
      true if the suspicious stew meta changed as a result of this call
    • hasCustomEffect

      boolean hasCustomEffect(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffectType type)
      Checks for a specific custom potion effect type on this suspicious stew.
      type - the potion effect type to check for
      true if the suspicious stew has this effect
    • clearCustomEffects

      boolean clearCustomEffects()
      Removes all custom potion effects from this suspicious stew.
      true if the suspicious stew meta changed as a result of this call
    • clone

      Specified by:
      clone in interface ItemMeta