Interface Lootable

All Known Subinterfaces:
AbstractHorse, AbstractSkeleton, AbstractVillager, AcaciaChestBoat, Ageable, Allay, Ambient, Animals, Armadillo, Axolotl, BambooChestRaft, Barrel, Bat, Bee, BirchChestBoat, Blaze, Bogged, Breedable, Breeze, BrushableBlock, Camel, Cat, CaveSpider, CherryChestBoat, Chest, ChestBoat, ChestedHorse, Chicken, Cod, Cow, Crafter, Creaking, Creature, Creeper, DarkOakChestBoat, DecoratedPot, Dispenser, Dolphin, Donkey, Dropper, Drowned, ElderGuardian, EnderDragon, Enderman, Endermite, Evoker, Fish, Flying, Fox, Frog, Ghast, Giant, GlowSquid, Goat, Golem, Guardian, Hoglin, Hopper, HopperMinecart, Horse, Husk, Illager, Illusioner, IronGolem, JungleChestBoat, Llama, LootableBlockInventory, LootableEntityInventory, LootableInventory, MagmaCube, MangroveChestBoat, Mob, Monster, Mule, MushroomCow, NPC, OakChestBoat, Ocelot, PaleOakChestBoat, Panda, Parrot, Phantom, Pig, Piglin, PiglinAbstract, PiglinBrute, PigZombie, Pillager, PolarBear, PufferFish, Rabbit, Raider, RangedEntity, Ravager, Salmon, SchoolableFish, Sheep, Shulker, ShulkerBox, Silverfish, Skeleton, SkeletonHorse, Slime, Sniffer, Snowman, Spellcaster, Spider, SpruceChestBoat, Squid, Steerable, StorageMinecart, Stray, Strider, SuspiciousSand, Tadpole, Tameable, TraderLlama, TropicalFish, Turtle, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, WanderingTrader, Warden, WaterMob, Witch, Wither, WitherSkeleton, Wolf, Zoglin, Zombie, ZombieHorse, ZombieVillager

public interface Lootable
Represents a Container or a Mob that can have a loot table.
Container loot will only generate upon opening, and only when the container is first opened.
Entities will only generate loot upon death.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Clears the associated Loot Table to this object, essentially resetting it to default
    Gets the Loot Table attached to this block or entity.
    Get the Loot Table's seed.
    default boolean
    Returns whether or not this object has a Loot Table
    Set the loot table for a container or entity.
    setLootTable(@Nullable LootTable table, long seed)
    Set the loot table and seed for a container or entity at the same time.
    setSeed(long seed)
    Set the seed used when this Loot Table generates loot.
  • Method Details

    • setLootTable

      void setLootTable(@Nullable @Nullable LootTable table)
      Set the loot table for a container or entity.
      If the provided loot table is null, the loot table will be reset to its default behavior.
      table - the Loot Table this Container or Mob will have.
    • getLootTable

      @Nullable @Nullable LootTable getLootTable()
      Gets the Loot Table attached to this block or entity.
      If an block/entity does not have a loot table, this will return null, NOT an empty loot table.
      the Loot Table attached to this block or entity.
    • setLootTable

      void setLootTable(@Nullable @Nullable LootTable table, long seed)
      Set the loot table and seed for a container or entity at the same time.
      If the provided loot table is null, the loot table will be reset to its default behavior.
      table - the Loot Table this Container or Mob will have.
      seed - the seed to used to generate loot. Default is 0.
    • hasLootTable

      default boolean hasLootTable()
      Returns whether or not this object has a Loot Table
      Has a loot table
    • clearLootTable

      default void clearLootTable()
      Clears the associated Loot Table to this object, essentially resetting it to default
      See Also:
    • setSeed

      void setSeed(long seed)
      Set the seed used when this Loot Table generates loot.
      seed - the seed to used to generate loot. Default is 0.
    • getSeed

      long getSeed()
      Get the Loot Table's seed.
      The seed is used when generating loot.
      the seed