Package org.bukkit.entity
package org.bukkit.entity
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc.-
ClassDescriptionRepresents an arrow.Deprecated.Represents the pickup status of this arrow.Represents a Horse-like creature.This interface defines or represents the abstract concept of skeleton-like entities on the server.Represents a villager NPCRepresents a Wind Charge.Represents an entity that can age.An Allay.Represents an ambient mobRepresents an Animal.Represents an area effect cloud which will imbue a potion effect onto entities which enter it.Represents an Armadillo.Represents types of locking mechanisms for ArmorStand equipment.An Axolotl.Represents the variant of a axolotl - ie its color.Represents a BatRepresents a Bee.Represents a Blaze monsterRepresents a block display entity.Represents a boat entity.Represents the status of the boat.Deprecated.different boats types are now different entity typesRepresents a Bogged Skeleton.Represents the Boss Entity.Represents an entity that can age and breed.Represents a Breeze.Represents a Wind Charge.Represents a Camel.Meow.Represents the various different cat types there are.Represents a Spider.A
with a chest.Represents Horse-like creatures which can carry an inventory.Represents a Chicken.Represents a cod fish.Represents a single part of aComplexLivingEntity
Represents a complex living entity - one that is made up of various smaller partsRepresents a Cow.Represents a Creaking.Represents a Creature.Represents a CreeperRepresents anEntity
that has health and can take damage.Represents a display entity which is designed to only have a visual function.Describes the axes/points around which the entity can pivot.Represents the brightness rendering parameters of the entity.Represents a Donkey - variant ofChestedHorse
.Drowned zombie.Represents a thrown egg.Represents an ElderGuardian - variant ofGuardian
.A crystal that heals nearby EnderDragonsRepresents an Ender DragonRepresents a phase or action that an Ender Dragon can perform.Represents an ender dragon partRepresents an Enderman.Represents a thrown Ender Pearl entityRepresents an EnderSignal, which is created upon throwing an ender eye.Represents an EnemyRepresents a base entity in the worldA classification of entities which may behave differently than others or be affected uniquely by enchantments and potion effects among other things.Represents an immutable copy of an entity's state.Represents an Evoker "Illager".Deprecated.future versions of Minecraft have additional spell casting entities.Represents Evoker Fangs.Represents an Experience Orb.Reasons for why this Experience Orb was spawnedA representation of an explosive entityRepresents a falling blockRepresents a Fireball.Represents a fish entity.Represents a fishing hook.Represents a state in which a fishing hook may be.Represents a Flying Entity.What does the fox say?Represents the various different fox types there are.A Frog.Represents the variant of a frog - ie its color.Represents a Ghast.Represents a Giant.A Glow Item Frame.A Glow Squid.A Goat.A mechanical creature that may harm enemies.Represents a Hanging entityRepresents a Hoglin.Represents a Horse.Represents the base color that the horse has.Represents the style, or markings, that the horse has.Deprecated.different variants are differing classesRepresents a human entity, such as an NPC or a playerRepresents a Husk - variant ofZombie
.Represents a type of "Illager".Represents an Illusioner "Illager".Represents an entity designed to only record interactions.Represents a previous interaction with this entity.An iron Golem that protects Villages.Represents a dropped item.Represents an item display entity.Represents the item model transform to be applied to the displayed item.Represents an Item FrameRepresents a largeFireball
Represents a Leash Hitch on a fenceRepresents an instance of a lightning strike.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Unsupported apiDeprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.should not be used for anything, useThrownPotion
and set the potion via the methods there.Represents a living entity, such as a monster or playerRepresents a Llama.Represents the base color that the llama has.Represents Llama spit.Represents a MagmaCube.A Marker entity, exists only on the server.Represents a minecart entity.Represents a Mob.Represents a Monster.Represents a Mule - variant ofChestedHorse
.Represents a mushroomCow
Represents the variant of a cow - ie its color.Represents a non-player characterA wild tameable catDeprecated.Cats are now a separate entity.Represents an ominous item spawner.Represents a Painting.Panda entity.Represents a Parrot.Represents the variant of a parrot - ie its color.Represents a phantom.Represents a Pig.Represents a Piglin.Piglin / Piglin Brute.Represents a Piglin Brute.Represents a Pig Zombie.Illager entity.Represents a player, connected or notRepresents a polar bear.Represents an entity body pose.Represents a shootable entity.Represents a puffer fish.Represents the various types a Rabbit might be.Illager beast.Represents a salmon fish.Represents the variant of a salmon - ie its size.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Spigots shearable API miserably fails at capturing all entities that may be sheared by a player, like mushroom cows which, once sheared, convert into normal cows.Represents a Sheep.Represents a Silverfish.An entity that can sit still.Represents a sized fireball.Represents a Skeleton.Deprecated.classes are different types.Represents a SkeletonHorse - variant ofAbstractHorse
.Represents a Slime.Represents a smallFireball
Represents a Sniffer.Represents the current state of the Sniffer.Represents a snowball.Represents a snowman entityRepresents groups of entities with shared spawn behaviors and mob caps.Represents a spectral arrow.Represents a spell casting "Illager".Represents the current spell the entity is using.Represents a Spider.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.should not be used for anything, useThrownPotion
and set the potion via the methods there.Represents a Squid.Represents an entity which may be saddled, ridden and steered using an item.Represents a Stray - variant ofAbstractSkeleton
.Represents a Strider.A babyFrog
.Represents a text display entity.Represents possible text alignments for this display.Represents a thrown Experience bottle.Represents a thrown potion bottleDeprecated.tipped status depends only on base potion type not being UNCRAFTABLE and effects being empty.Represents a Primed TNT.Represents a trader Llama.Represents a thrown trident.Tropical fish.Enumeration of all different fish patterns.Represents a turtle.Represents a vehicle entity.Represents a Vex.Represents a villager NPCRepresents the various different Villager professions there may be.Represents Villager type, usually corresponding to what biome they spawn in.Represents a Vindicator.Represents a wandering trader NPCA Warden.Represents a Water MobRepresents a Wind Charge.Represents a WitchRepresents a Wither bossRepresents one of the Wither's heads.Represents a WitherSkeleton - variant ofAbstractSkeleton
.Represents a wither skullFireball
.Represents a WolfRepresents the variant of a wolf.Represents a Zoglin.Represents a Zombie.Represents a ZombieHorse - variant ofAbstractHorse